英语六级词汇解析 Lesson 16-查字典英语网
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英语六级词汇解析 Lesson 16

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Abolish vt.彻底废除,废止

  Slavery was abolished in America after the Civil War in the 19th century.美国的奴隶制度是19世纪时南北战争以后被废止的.

  Some superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible.有些迷信做法应尽早取消.

  Amend vt.修改,修订;改进 n.赔偿,赔罪

  The UN Charter has been amended since World War Two and great improvement has been made.经过二战以来的修订,联合国宪章已经日趋完善.

  Betray vt.背叛,出卖;失信于辜负;泄露; 暴露,显露

  A person who betrays his own country will be spurned by people.一个人背叛自己祖国的人会为世人所唾弃.

  She betrayed her friends by breaking her promises.她不遵守自己的诺言,因而失信于她的朋友.

  Its illegal to betray government secrets.泄露政府秘密是犯法的.

  Commence v.开始

  At what time will the opening ceremony commence?开幕式什么时候开始?

  conception n.思想,观念,概念;构想,设想;怀孕

  Does the younger generation have a clear conception of what they want?年轻一代清楚他们到底想要什么吗?

  Deng Xiaoping had a comprehensive conception as to how to build up socialism with Chinese characteristics.邓小平有完整的构想对于如何建设有中国特色的社会主义.

  Constrain vt.限制,约束; 克制,抑制

  Nowadays many species of wild animals are bound and constrained in the zoo, and ridiculously,only in this way they can survive. 如今,很多野生动物都被关在动物园的兽笼里荒唐的是,它们只有这样才能生存下来.

  Many artists dont consider themselves constrained by the same rules of social conduct as other people.许多艺术家认为他们不必像一般人那样要受社会行为准则的束缚.

  deduce vt.推论,推断,演绎

  Einstein tried to deduce the operating principle of the toy purely by reasoning, but he was in vain.爱因斯坦想通过纯粹的推理来推断出这个玩具的工作原理,但却徒劳无功.

  Dilemma n.窘境,困境

  The dilemma a doctor often faces is whether he should tell the truth to the patient or not.医生经常面临这样的困境应不应该将实情告诉病人.

  Doubtless a.无疑的,肯定的

  Its almost doubtless that the Chinese Soccer Team will qualify for the final tournament of the World Cup to be held in Japan and Korea.几乎无庸置疑,中国足球队将能够进军日韩世界杯决赛阶段的比赛.

  enthusiastic a.满腔热情地,热心的,极感兴趣的

  We are really dont see why the superpower is so enthusiastic over the NMD.我们真搞不懂为什么这个超级大国那么热衷于搞国家导弹防御系统.

  extinguish vt.熄灭,扑灭;使消失,使破灭

  The fire was finally extinguished by the firemen.大火终于被消防队员们扑灭了.

  His fire of life was extinguished bit by bit by the onset of the lovesickness.他的生命之火在相思病魔的摧残下终于一点一点地暗淡下去.

  formidable a.可怕的,令人生畏的;难以克服的,难对付的

  With her management skills and his marketing experts, they make a formidable combination.她娴熟的管理技巧加上他超凡的市场才华,使他们双剑合璧, 所向披靡.

  Hes conscious that he was a formidable rival in this field.他清醒地意识到,在这个领域他遇到了一个难缠的对手.

  Hinder vt.阻碍,妨碍

  You are hindering me in my work by talking all the time.你在这儿说个不停,妨碍 了我干活.

  imaginative a.富有想象力的,爱想象的

  A scientist,as well as a writer,must be creative and imaginative.科学家和作家一样必须富于创造力与想象力.

  Indulge vi.沉溺,纵容自己 vt.使自己沉湎于,满足;纵容

  Those who always indulge themselves in delights of leisure will amount to nothing一味的贪图安逸享受的人 到头来会一事无成.

  The bitter taste of disappointed love made him indulge in his own daydreams.苦涩的失恋滋味使他成天沉浸在自己编织的梦幻之中.

  Intensify vt.增强,加剧

  To prevent the hooligans from England and Germany making trouble during the World Cup, they have intensified the police patrols along the streets and in the bowls. 在世界杯举办期间,为预防英国和德国的足球流氓搞事他们调集了大批警力加强对街道及体育场的巡查.

  Irritate vt.使恼怒,使烦躁;使不适,使疼痛

  His disloyalty irritated his wife,who resolutely left home.他的不忠激怒了他的妻子她毅然决然的离开了这个家.

  Manifest a.明显的,显然的,明了的 vt.显示,表明;证明;使显露,使显现

  This is something manifest to all of us.这是我们大家都很清楚的事情.

  The contradiction has manifested itself in the employment situation in the course of the innovation of the economic structures. 在经济体制改革的过程中,就业问题上的矛盾日益突出 .

  naive a.幼稚的,轻信的;天真的

  Many naive girls wait for a film director to give them a chance to play a leading role and make a hit overnight.许多幼稚的女孩等待着电影导演给一个主角让她们演,然后一夜成名.

  Oriental a.东方的,东方人的,东方文化的

  The mysterious ancient oriental culture has been appealing to the westerners for ages. 长期以来,具有神秘色彩的古老的东方文化对于西方人来说有着巨大的吸引力.

  precede vt.在...之前,先于

  Bill Clinton preceded George Bush,Jr.,as President of the United States.克林顿在小布什之前担任美国总统.

  probability n.可能性,可能发生的事;概率

  War is a serious probability between the two traditional enemy states in the present state of affairs.两个传统上的敌对国家再启战端的可能性非常大, 从目前的形势来看.

  The cluster bomb has a high kill probability against a range of small hard and soft targets. 对于一系列软硬小目标集束炸弹有很高的杀伤力.

  Quest n.寻求,搜索,追求

  We are quite pleased to see that our two countries have a common quest in building peace.我们高兴地看到,我们两国有着建立和平的共同追求.

  Repel vt.使厌恶;击退,逐回,驱逐;排斥

  The strong durian smell repels me.榴莲那股强烈的味道使我生厌.

  North magnetic poles repel each other.磁北极与磁南极互相排斥.

  Scorn n./vt.轻蔑,鄙视;拒绝,不屑

  The younger generation in the new century scorns the traditional idea of virginity.新世纪的年轻一代已经对传统的贞操观嗤之以鼻了

  Stability n.稳定,稳固

  To make our country strong and prosperous, the most important thing we should do is to maintain political stability.为使国家繁荣富强,首要的是维护政治稳定.

  Summon vt.召唤,传唤 鼓起勇气,振作召集,召开

  The man summoned as a witness was required to make an oath that what he would say was absolutely true. 传唤到庭的证人被要求当场发誓他所讲的绝对是真话.

  I had to summon all my nerve to face my boss.我得鼓足勇气去见上司.

  Testify vi.作证,证明;表明,说明 vt.证明,作证

  Can you testify that you saw the defendant at the scene of the crime?你能证明你亲眼见到被告在犯罪现场吗?

  Acts testify intent. 行为隐含动机.

  texture n.质地;结构

  One can see the orderly texture of matter through an electron microscope.通过电子显微镜可以看到物质的有序结构.

  Trivial a.琐碎的,不重要的

  Never put the trivial above the important in doing anything.无论做任何事情切不可本末倒置.



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