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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. He is a clerk with a firm.不是of a firm

  2. fit在做形容词时候有两个意思,一个是健康,强健的,thats why he is so fit.另一个意思是合适的,恰当的,He is fit for the job=He is fit to take the job.

  虽然fit有合适,吻合,但是不能说The job fits him.因为fit做动词主要用于尺寸上的合适和吻合,比如The dress fits you well.这是可以用的

  Every shoe fits not every foot.---fit主要用来形容尺寸大小合适

  No dish suits all tastes.----suit主要用来形容合乎条件,身份,口味,需要

  3. influence可以是名词或者动词,主要指潜移默化的影响,而affect却表示对事物产生不良影响.

  effect/influence on; to influence/affect=to have an influence/effect on

  3. Time flies.光阴似箭;the flight of time 时间的飞逝

  4. feed on以...为食Horses feed on grass.

  Feed sth to sb=feed sb on/with sth

  5. make an expedition; go to an expedition

  6. forbid后面可以接很多形式forbid sb to do sth=forbid sb doing sth=forbid sth=forbid that; forbid that 后面要使用虚拟语气should

  to bid on/for a bridge意思是投标承建桥梁

  7. force的复数forces才是职军队

  8. force sb to do sth, force sb into doing sth

  They forced me to obey the order. They forced ,e into obeying the order.

  Put a law in force---实施法律



  Enforce a law; They enforce obedience up me.

  Make an effort=make efforts; redouble ones effort再接再厉;without effort毫不费力

  9. conform是一个不及物动词,conform to意思是遵从,是主观意识行为;conform with是顺应,是无意识的客观结果

  formula for water水的分子式,不是of

  10. reform the system of society改革社会制度;reform a person使人改过自新

  inform在做通知的意思的时候是及物动词 inform sb of sth---Actually, it is your duty to inform him of the board s decision .

  inform 在做告发,检举的时候是不及物动词,所以要加against/on;inform against/on sb---They decided to inform against him.

  11. try ones fortune碰运气;tell ones fortune算命;make a fortune发财,致富

  be fortune to do sth=be fortunate in doing sth

  I am fortunate /having a good wife.

  12. a story founded/based on facts基于事实写成的小说,注意facts不是fact

  The fund for research研究基金,funds资金,fund基金

  A profound doctrine深奥的学说;a profound scholar渊博的学者


  13. free在做大方的意思时,用with---be free with money;在做免费的,免税的,无...的意思时,使用from或of---free of taxes; free from care

  此外free还做动词和副词,副词意思是免费地,而freely意思是自由地,随意地,所以travel free和travel freely意思是不一样的

  14. make friends with交朋友;be friends with与..要好;

  friendly是一个形容词,不是副词,friendly with意思是要好,friendly to是对...友好

  I am friends with A=I am friendly with A.我和A很要好.

  I am friendly to A.我对A很友好

  15. be confronted with=be faced with 面临,遇到;to confront difficulties勇敢地面对困难

  To confront sb with使某人面临...But then life moves along to confront us with realities

  The frontier of medicine医学尖端

  16. furnish A with B; furnish B to A---提供;如果做装备的意思,只能用furnish A with B

  17. generalize概括,归纳,推断---to generalize a conclusion总结出结论



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