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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1 The kitchen was small and___so taht the disabled could reach everything without difficulty.

  A conventional

  B compact

  C compatible

  D concise

  2 She knows a lot of young men,but it is nor easy to choose a___one who is both rich and attractive.

  A diligent

  B qualified

  C eligible

  D elegant

  3 The rebels___the goverment and declared their independence from its rule.

  A defied

  B betrayed

  C irritated

  D abolished

  4 We____the little girl while her mother was in hospital.

  A attended

  B fostered

  C looked

  D cared

  5 The service pperates 36 libraries through the country,while six___libraries especially serve the country side.

  A mobile

  B drifting

  C shifting

  D rotating

  6 The young prince was enchanted by the___beauty of the princess.

  A enlightiening

  B bewildering

  C promising

  D dazzling

  7 The huge bird flew off with its____in its class.

  A game

  B captive

  C prey

  D catch

  8 After school the children___to their homes.

  A dispersed

  B dismissed

  C distributed

  D left

  9 Some large birds___upon small birds and animals.

  A prey

  B victimize

  C sacrifice

  D hunt

  10 Then,as time went on,the Presiden let it be known that he would push for enlarged____for defense.

  A expansion

  B expenditure

  C extension

  D force



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