07-1 Unit 2
21.Although not an economist himself, Dr. smith has long been a severe critic of the governments ______ policies
A economic B economical
C economics D economy
economy 经济
economic 经济的
economics 经济学
economical 节约的
frugal 节俭的
22. It is rather _______ that we still do not know how many species there are in the world today.
A misleading B embarrassing
C boring D demanding
embarrassing 令人尴尬的
misleading 令人误解的
boring 郁闷的
demanding 耗时耗力的
considerable 大量的
23. The old building is in a good state of ______ except for the wooden floors
A observation B preservation
C conservation D compensation
词根serve 表示保留
reserve 储备;预定
reservation 预定
Reservation 专指印第安人居留地
conserve 保存,保护自然资源
preserve 保存以备后用
preservative 防腐剂
observe 观察
compensation 补偿,弥补
07-2 Unit 2
24. The ceremony will _____ as soon as the minister arrives.
A complete B commence
C disperse D descend
mini 表示小
mini happy country 小日本
minister 大臣,牧师
administer 管理
minimize 降到最小
minimum n. minimal adj.
miniature 缩微模型,雏形
diminish 减少,降低
minor 次要的
minority 少数,少数民族
maxi 表示大
maximum 最大
maximize v.变成最大
commence 开始
disperse 分散
descend 下降,下山,下车;继承
descendant n.后代
successor 后来者
ancestor / forebear 祖先
boom 繁荣,兴旺
词根scend 表示爬
ascend 攀登,上升
Fog ascended from the mountain.
ascend to heaven bodiless
go hiking 远足
go camping 露营
campus 校园
ascent n.上坡路
transcend 超越
07-3 Unit 2
25.Gasline is _____ by teh spark plugs in the engine
A ignited B inspired
C excited D illuminated
ignite 点燃
ignore 忽视
ignorant adj. 无知的
ignorance n. 无知
annoy 使烦恼
be annoyed with sb.
hum 表示泥土
human 人
humid adj. 潮湿的
humidity n.湿度
humble 谦虚的,谦卑的
tumble 跌倒,摔倒
stumble 跌倒
gamble 赌博
inspire 吸,启发
inspiration n.灵感
expire 断气,过期
expiration n.
aspire 渴望
genius= inspiration + perspiration
illuminate 点亮,照亮,启发
illumine 点亮,照亮
elude 逃避
elusive 逃避的,难懂的
elusion n.逃避
illusion 幻觉
07-4 Unit 2
26. The person who ______ this type of research deserves our praise.
A originated B manufactured
C generated D estimated
praise 赞扬
applaud 赞扬
loop 环形
plight 困境
pour 泼
poverty 贫穷
peep 偷窥
origin n.起源
originate v.起源;开始
manufacture 制造
generate 产生 gene+rate
rate 系列
moderate 适度的 mode+rate
penetrate 渗透
exaggerate 夸大
estimate 估计
-est 表示最
earnest 认真的
modest 谦虚的
estate 房地产
estimate 估计
estimated to be 据估计最
Its estimated that 据估计
illumine 点亮,照亮
elude 逃避
illusion 幻觉
ignore 忽视
annoy 使烦恼
humble 谦虚的,谦卑的
tumble 跌倒,摔倒
stumble 跌倒
gamble 赌博
07-5 Unit 2
27. Dogs are often praised for their ____; they almost never abandon their masters
A faith B loyalty
C trust D truthfulness
loyal 忠诚的
loyalty n.忠诚
royal 皇室的
royalty n.皇室
faith 信念
trust 信念
truthfulness 真诚
modest 谦虚的
generous 慷慨的
28. When business is ______, there is usually an obvious increase in unemployment.
A degraded B depressed
C reduced D lessened
depress 使沮丧,使萧条
degrade 降级
29.He believed that the greatest of his ______ was that hed never had a college education.
A griefs B misfortunes
C disasters D sorrows
mislead 误导
mistake 错误
missile 导弹
grief 悲伤
disaster 灾难
sorrow 痛苦
07-6 Unit 3
1. By moving the radar beam around slowly in circles, we can _____ the surroundings
A explore B expose
C exploit D addle
explore 探索,研究
expose 暴露
exploit 开发,剥削
addle 混乱
2. The lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion is ______ in her appearance but rude in her speech
A elaborate B excessive
C elegant D exaggerated
elegant 优雅的
race 比赛
brace 背带
grace 优雅
trace v.追踪;n.足迹
grace -graceful 优雅的
gracious 谦虚的,谦恭的
elaborate 详细的
rude 作为词根,表示原始
crude 原始的
rudiment 基本原理
rudimentary 基本的
erudite 博学多才的
3. A window in the kitchen was _____ ; there was rubbish everywhere, and the curtains and carpets had been stolen .
A scattered B scraped
C scratched D smashed
smash 击碎,打碎
rubbish 垃圾
rub 摩擦
eraser 橡皮
erase 擦掉
temper 脾气
engineer 工程师
engine 发动机
career 职业
scatter 分散
scrape 刮
skyscraper 摩天大楼
scratch 刮,搔,抓
scratch ones head
arithmetic 算数
A rat in Toms house may eat Toms ice cream.
amiable 和善的
earnest 认真的
modest 谦虚的
estate 房地产
estimate 估计
07-7 Unit 3
4. As a _____ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments
A flexible B versatile
C sophisticated D productive
versatile 多才多艺的
词根ver 表示转
reverse 颠倒,反转
conversation 谈话
universe 宇宙
controversy 矛盾
flexible 弹性的,灵活的
sophisticated 复杂的
5. There are not many teachers who are strong ____ of traditional methods in English teaching.
A sponsors B contributors
C advocates D performers
advocate 支持者,用户者
sponsor 发起人,赞助商
contributor 贡献者,捐献者
performer 演员
form 表示形式
formal 正式的
casual 随意的
transformer 变形金刚,变压器
inform 通知
conform 符合
07-9 Unit 3
7. At the party we found that shy girl _____ her mother all the time.
A depending on B coinciding with
C adhering to D clinging to
depend on 依赖
coincide with 与.巧合
coincident adj. 巧合的
coincidence n.
adhere to 粘着
put an ad 做个广告
adage 格言
savage = brutal 野蛮的,未开化的
manage 管理
manage to do 设法
image 形象
imagine 想象
cling to 依靠
07-9 Unit 3
8. The education provides them _____ to economic progress.
A admission B acceptance
C access D approach
admission 承认,认可
approach v.接近 n.方法
proach 表示接近
approachable 平易近人的
9. This can _____ the worry between a couple that they dont understand each other.
A release B relent C relieve D relay
couple 夫妇
spouse 配偶
release 释放
relent 仁慈的 relentless 冷酷无情的
relay 转播
10. Many distinguished men have ____ from slums.
A emanated B appeared
C loomed D emerged
mango 芒果
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