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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  401. liable to a. 易于 = be apt to/be prone to

  402. liberal a. 自由的

  403. linger v. 继续逗留;留恋They lingered in thebeautiful town.

  404. mature a. 成熟的

  405. moderate a. 适度的 ~ physical exercises

  406. motivate v. .激励 A desire to pass Band 6 ~s her towork hard.

  407. multiply v. 繁殖

  408. overall a. 总体的 an ~ impression

  409. perceive v. 感知

  410. prevail over v . 胜过

  411. prime n. 壮年 He died in the ~ of his life.

  412. priority n. 优先权 give ~ to

  413. prominent a. 突出的, 杰出的=distinguished

  414. prone to a. 易于

  415. prosperity n. 繁荣

  416. reckless a. 卤莽的

  417. relevant a. 有关的

  418. remedy n. 治疗法

  419. resistant a. 抵抗的

  420. respective a. 分别的

  421. resume v. 重新开始

  422. scandal n. 丑闻

  423. scatter v. .驱散

  424. sentiment n. 感情

  425. severe a. 严重的 ~ wound

  426. shield v. 保护

  427. simultaneously a. 同时地

  428. sole a. 唯一的

  429. sponsor n. 赞助者

  430. startle v. 惊吓

  431. stray v. 走失

  432. substantial a. 可观的,大量的=considerable asubstantial income

  433. sufficient a. 充分的

  434. supplement v./n. 补充He ~ed his income by taking apart-time job.

  435. testify v. 作证

  436. trigger v. 引发 ~ a debate/war

  437. swing v. 摇摆

  438. universal a. 普遍的

  439. utilize v. 利用

  440. variation n. 变动 the ~ in temperature

  441. virtually ad. 实际上

  442. wretched a. 难过的

  443. flexible a. 灵活的 The dancers body is very ~.

  444. facet n. 侧面 a ~ of American life

  445. endeavor v. /n. 努力

  446. elaborate a. 精心的

  447. crude a. 未加工的 ~ oil

  448. preach v. 说教

  449. strive v. 力求 ~ for freedom

  450. punctual a. 守时的He is a ~ man.

  451. harness v. 治理 ~ a river

  452. integrity n. 诚实;完整

  453. submit to v. 屈服=yield to

  454. launch v. 发起

  455. striking a. 显著的

  456. instinct n. 本能

  457. maintenance n. 保养

  458. scrape v. 刮,擦

  459. sensible a. 合情理的

  460. eliminate v. 去除

  461. propel v. 推动

  462. pledge n. 保证

  463. label n. 标签

  464. justify v. 使有正当理由

  465. initiate v. 创始

  466. stereotype n. 陈规,固定的看法

  467. identifywith v. 使等同

  468. convey v. 传达

  469. collapse v. 坍塌

  470. affection n. 喜爱

  471. yield v. 结出

  472. promising a. 有希望的

  473. publicity n. 公众的注意

  474. hazard n. 危险

  475. forge v. 伪造 ~ a famous painters signature

  476. concession n. 让步

  477. submerge v. 淹没

  478. imperative a. 必要的

  479. elapse v. 逝去

  480. confine v. 限制

  481. thrive v. 繁荣=prosper

  482. resort to v. 诉诸于

  483. sustain v. 维持=support

  484. highlight v. 使突出 n. 最精彩的部分

  485. massive a. 大量的; 大而重的

  486. mask v. 掩饰

  487. restore v. 恢复

  488. restraint n. 约束

  489. scope n. 范围

  490. seemingly ad. 表面上

  491. speculate v. 猜测

  492. steep a. 陡的

  493. summon v. 唤起 How can I ~ up his courage?

  494. shift v. 移动;转变 ~ responsibility on to others

  495. transient a. 短暂的

  496. prompt a. 迅速的

  497. impart v. 传授

  498. embody v. 体现

  499. confront v. 面对

  500. triumph n. 胜利



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