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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  integrity n. 诚实;完整

  instinct n. 本能

  illusion n. 幻想

  initiate v. 创始

  imaginary a. 虚构的

  ignite v. 点燃

  impetus n. 推动

  immune a. 免疫的

  incentive n. 刺激

  indulge v. 沉溺于 ~ oneself in

  induce v. 引起; 诱导

  ingredient n. 配料 the ~s of pizza

  initiative n. 主动性 You should take the ~.

  intimate a. 亲密的

  intervene v.干预

  immerse v. 沉浸于 She ~d herself in English.

  implicit a. 内含的;含蓄的 If it is ~, it is implied.

  impulse n. 冲动

  indignant a. 愤怒的

  infectious a. 传染的

  ingenious a. 灵巧的; 巧妙的 ~handicraftsman

  inherent a. 固有的 the ~ defects of planned-economy

  integral a. 构成整体所必须的;不可缺的

  intensify v. 加剧 The noise intensified.

  intricate a. 错综复杂的

  intrinsic a. 固有的 ~ value

  intuition n. 直觉 Your ~ is your sixth sense.

  invalid a. 无效的 an ~ license

  invariably ad. 不变地; 始终

  irritate v. 使恼怒 =annoy


  justify v. 使有正当理由


  kidnap v. 绑架


  liable to a. 易于 = be apt to/be prone to

  liberal a. 自由的

  linger v. 继续逗留;留恋They lingered in the beautiful town.

  legend n. 传奇

  legitimate a. 合法的 =legal/lawful

  liability n. 责任

  literacy n. 读写能力

  literally ad. 逐字地; 确实地

  litter v. 乱扔 No littering!


  maintenance n. 保养

  massive a. 大量的; 大而重的

  mask v. 掩饰

  mature a. 成熟的

  moderate a. 适度的 ~ physical exercises

  motivate v. .激励

  magnify v. 放大,扩大 ~ the photo

  manifest v. 显示,表明The illness ~s itself with a high fever.

  marginal a. 微小的

  masculine a. 男性的

  mediate v. 调解 He ~d in a salary dispute between the union and the management.

  merge a. 合并

  migrate v. 迁徙; 移居 Birds migrate with seasons

  mingle v 混合

  mobilize v. 动员


  nave a. 天真的=innocent

  negligible a. 可以忽略不计的 the ~ cost

  norm n. 标准 reach the ~

  notable a. 著名的

  notorious a. 臭名昭著的 If one has a scandal, he becomes ~

  nourish v. 养育


  obedient a. 顺从的

  odor n. 气味

  offset v. 抵消 =compensate for

  orient v. 使适应 ~ oneself to

  overwhelm v. 使受不了;压倒 be ~edwith sadness/~ majority


  punctual a. 守时的He is a ~ man.

  propel v. 推动

  pledge n. 保证

  perceive v. 感知

  prevail over v . 胜过

  prime n. 壮年 He died in the ~ of his life.

  priority n. 优先权 give ~ to

  prominent a. 突出的, 杰出的=distinguished

  prone to a. 易于

  prosperity n. 繁荣

  paradox n. 自相矛盾=contradiction,正确的

  participant n. 参加者

  patent n. 专利

  patriotic a. 爱国的

  pave v. 铺路 ~ the way for womens Lib

  permeate v. 弥漫; 渗透

  perpetual a. 永久的

  pertinent a. 有关的 =relevantskills ~ to the profession

  plead v. 恳求;申诉

  ponder v. 思考 She ~ed his marriage proposal for a week.

  portray v. 描绘=describe/depict

  precede v. 先于

  precedent n. 先例

  preclude n. 阻止

  predecessor n. 前任

  prompt a. 迅速的

  predominant a. 主导的

  premise n. 前提 your ~ is wrong.

  prescription n. 处方

  prestige n. 威望 enjoy high ~

  prevalent a. 流行的

  prey n. 捕获物

  probe v. 探究~ a matter to the bottom

  proficiency n. 熟练

  profound a. 深刻的; 深奥的

  prolong v. 延长

  prospective a. 预期的,未来的

  provocative a. 挑衅的



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