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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  23. _____ with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces.

  A. Dissatisfying thoroughly B. Being thoroughly dissatisfied

  C. To satisfy thoroughly D. To be thoroughly dissatisfied

  24.She was so angry that she felt like_____ something at him.

  A. to throw B. to have thrown C. throwing D. having thrown

  25.The computer works very fast_____ data at the speed of light.

  A. handling B. having handled C. handled D. handles

  26.Mr.Smith advised us to withdraw_____.

  A. so as not to get involved B. so as to get not involved

  C. so that to get not involved D. so that not to get involved

  27.______ in a seemingly endless war, the general was forced to evaluate the situation again.

  A. Since the loss of 50,00 soldiers B. Because of 50,00 soldiers

  C. 50,000 soldiers were lost D. Having lost over 50,000 soldiers

  28.The minister had his secretaries_____ a press conference.

  A. arranging B. to arrange C. arrange D. arranged

  29.My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate_____ from you sometime.

  A. hearing B. to hear C. having heard D. to have heard

  30.Jean didn t have the time to go to the concert last night because she was busy_____ for her


  A. preparing B. to be prepared C. to prepare D. being prepared

  31.After_____ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

  A. having interviewed B. being interviewed C. interviewed D. interviewing

  32.Having no money but_____ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.

  A. not wanting anyone B. not to want anyone C. wanted no one D. to want no one

  33.Mr. Johnson preferred_____ heavier work to do.

  A. to be giving B. to have given C. to be given D. having given

  34.I remember_____ to help us if we ever got into trouble.

  A. once offering B. him once offering C. him to offer D. to offer him

  35.Everyone had an application form in his hand, but no one knew which office room_____.

  A. to send it to B. to send it C. to be sent to D. to have it sent

  36.While_____ the sun, the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to


  A. having orbited B. being orbited C. having been orbited D. orbiting

  37.Could you find someone_______?

  A. for me to play tennis with B. for me to play tennis

  C. play tennis with D. playing tennis with

  38.In Australia the Asians make their influence_____ in business large and small.

  A. feeling B. feel C. felt D. to be felt

  39.This program will examine the writer s books in details, _____ introduction to her life.

  A. following B. having following C. being followed D. to be followed

  40.Maggie ran back to the kitchen, eggs______ carefully in her hands.

  A. were held B. to be held C. held D. holding

  41.My sister s professor had her______ her paper many times before allowing her to present it to

  the committee.

  A. rewrite B. to rewrite C. rewritten D. rewriting

  42.Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper______ it closely.

  A. followed B. to follow C. following D. being following

  43.He asked______ since he had been chairman for seven years.

  A. not to be re-elected B. to be not re-elected

  C. not to have been re-elected D. to have not been re-elected

  44.Homework______ on time will lead to better grades.

  A. done B. be done C. having done D. to have been done





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