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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  19. They do not have to pay for expensive seats at the theater, the cinema, or the opera, _____, perhaps, that show is disappointing.

  A)only to discover B)only discovering C)only so as to discover D)only for discovering

  20. Under the leadership of the Party, they have got ____ up with the advanced countries in the world.

  A)caught B)to catch C)having caught D)catching

  21. He ll give me five minutes____

  A)to make up my mind B)make up my mind

  C)so to make up my mind D)making my mind up

  22. The house____ today, but as there has been a builders strike it is still only half finished.

  A)was ready B)would be ready C)was to have been ready D)was to be ready

  23. The father advised____ the second-hand car.

  A)his son to not purchase B)his son not to purchase

  C)his son s no purchasing D)that his son doesn t purchase

  24. I intended ____yesterday afternoon, but I had to attend a meeting.

  A)to come B)that I come C)to have come D)to be coming

  25. My brother could do nothing else than____ books.

  A)to read B)having read C)read D)reading

  26. A decision____ stock by one or a few of these large companies may have a very important effect on the market as a whole.

  A)to buy or to sell B)buying or selling C)to buy or selling D)buying or to sell

  27. He is not a man ____before difficulties.

  A)bowed B)bows C)to bow D)bowing

  28. She had her daughter____ the violin three hours every day.

  A)play B)played C)playing D)to play

  29. In fact, he would rather leave for Beijing____ in Shanghai.

  A)than staying B)than have stayed C)than stay D)to stay

  30. She tried many times to sneak across the border to a neighboring country, ____ each time.

  A)only to be caught B)unfortunately caught C)always being caught D)having been caught

  31. The boy walked quietly into the room ____awake his room-mates.

  A)in order to not B)so as not to C)for not to D)so as to

  32. It takes me eleven hours____ there by train.

  A)to have got B)get C)getting D)to get

  33. Although it was very late when Jimmy began doing the job, he managed, with his friend s assistance, ____ before the building was locked.

  A)to be finished B)finished C)to finish D)finishing

  34. Harry doesn t like wine. He says that he never ____it at home.

  A)use to drink B)used to drinking C)used to drink D)use to drinking

  35. It is impossible for anyone ____these photographs before, because Mr. Newman had them developed today.

  A)saw B)to have seen C)to see D)seeing

  36. The question on radiation cancer_____ is decided now.

  A)to be whether or not B)be whether or not

  C)whether to be or not D)whether not to be or to be


  19 a 20 a 21 a 22 c 23 b 24 c 25 c 26 a 27 c 28 a 29 c 30 a 31 b 32 d 33 c 34 c 35 b 36 c



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