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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2. Let bygones be bygones. Don t _D_ so much on the past.

  A lie B lay C dwelt D dwell

  let bygones be bygones. 让过去的过去吧。 dwell vi. 居住; dwell on 老是想着

  3. Intellect is to the mind _B_ sight is to the body.

  A which B what C where D but

  what这时连接两个句子,表示 有如 或 就像 一样 。

  what只有用在这种 A对于B来说就象C对于D一样 句型当中时。

  Air is to man what water is to the fish. 空气对于人类来说就象水对于鱼来说一样重要。

  4. His honesty is _D_, nobody can doubt it.

  A in question B beside the question C out of the question D without question

  in question = under discussion 正在讨论中的; beside the question 离题,与题无关;

  out of the question 不可能的; out of question 没有问题的,毫无疑问的;

  without question 没有问题的,毫无疑问的 = out of question.

  5. Nearly all major cities in the US are crime-ridden. New York is _A_.

  A a case in point B a case to point C the case D in the case of

  a case in point 有说服力的例子。

  6. Frank is up late working again.

  This is the third time this week he s had to study late, _A_?

  A isn t it B hasn t it C isn t he D hasn t he


  表示 第几次做某事 变成反意疑问句经常用it指代整句话的内容。

  7. This is the first time that he has felt really relaxed for months, _B_?

  A hasn t he B isn t it C isn t he D hasn t it

  8. A judge must be _B_ when weighing evidence.

  A interested B disinterested C uninterested D disconnected

  weigh vt. 斟酌,考虑; interested adj. 有兴趣的; disinterested adj. 公正的,无私的;

  uninterested adj. 不感兴趣的; disconnected adj. 分离的,不连贯的。

  9. Although he sometimes lost his temper, his pupils liked him _D_ for it.

  A not so much B not so little C no more D no less

  lose one s temper 发脾气。

  10. Wise men seek after truth, _A_ fools desire knowledge.

  A whereas B or C as well as D hence

  whereas conj. 反之,但是。



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