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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. Norin received a bad wound _B_ the leg when he was shot at.

  A on B in C at D of

  表示身体某一部位受伤用介词in。 hit sb. in the face 打某人一个耳光。

  2. Cork was angry; _D_ he listened to me.

  A and B but C so D nevertheless

  cork n. 软木塞。 nevertheless conj. 尽管如此。

  3. That _A_ instrument can record even very slightly changes.

  A delicate B feeble C sensible D feasible

  instrument n. 仪器,(弹奏的)乐器; delicate instrument 精密仪器。

  delicate adj. 精密的,准确的; feeble adj. 软弱的,无力的; sensible adj. 明智的;

  sensitive adj. 敏感的; be sensitive to 对 很敏感; feasible adj. 可行的,行得通的。

  4. Let s begin the lesson at the place where we _A_ last time.

  A left off B left out C left to D left up

  leave off 停止,中断; leave out = omit 遗漏;

  5. Education does not _D_ simply _D_ learning a lot of facts.

  A consist; of B consist; from C consist; for D consist; in

  consist of 包括; consist in(抽象意义的)在于 = lie in在于。

  6. There is no tree _A_ bears some fruit.

  A but B which C that D unless

  but用在否定句中并且后面引导一个句子时相当于 that...not 。

  本句可改写为这种形式:There is no tree that does not bears some fruit.

  7. Will you be able to finish the job this week? _D_.

  A I don t know so B I can t say so C I m not sure so D I don t expect so

  I dont expect so 恐怕不行。

  8. I hope that John will play basketball tomorrow. Yes, I _D_.

  A hope it too B hope too C hope that too D hope so too

  9. I slipped on the stairs. I think my arm is broke. Oh, I _D_.

  A do not hope so B do not hope C hope not so D hope not

  肯定用:I hope so. 否定用:I hope not.

  10. She died when she was ninety, not of old age, but _B_ head injury when she fell down a flight of stairs.

  A of B from C with D for

  die of 表示因年老,疾病或饥饿而死亡; die from 指因为受伤而死亡。



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