decay v./n.腐朽,腐烂;衰减,衰退deceit n.欺骗,欺骗行为deceive v.欺骗,蒙蔽 decent a.体面的,像样的;正派的,合乎礼仪
The A Empire declined as a world power. It was decomposing into many small local authorities. Last year the peoples earnings decreased 20% because of the financial deficit. Many children in the poor area had calcium deficiency. From the facts, we deduced that the Empire was decaying. Who caused it? The people needed a definite answer. Then they found out that the emperor deceived them. His deceit was disgusting. He lived in decent conditions. His hall was decorated with deer horns. But he had never had decided opinions of his own. That was his fatal defect. The power of an emperor was defined by law, not by himself. A minister stepped forward boldly. He deemed it his duty to help his people. He dedicated his life to his people. So he made adeclaration of war against the emperor. The night deepened. The minister declined to drink with others. He stood on the deck. The wave swept over the deck. Tomorrow there would be a decisive battle. The deficiency of the battle plan was clear but it did succeed in the end. After the war, the minister reformed the duodecimal system into the decimal systems which improved the currency of money. The people defined him as a wonderful minister.
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