depress v.压抑,降低;使沮丧deprive v.夺去,使丧失deputy n.代理人,代表a.副的,代理的 derive v.取得;导出,引申 der
The sun descended behind the sand hills. The beauty of the sunset was beyond description. But no one noticed that.These travelers had expected it was a desirable travel, but now they lost their ways in the desolate desert. The deputy of these travelers was despatched to take the news to the travel agency. But he escaped alone. He felt guilty at deserting his clients but still he did that. The others despised his deeds. Destiny was sometimes cruel. The sandstorm came. The destructive force of the storm was huge. The people became desperate in their attempt to find a way out. The thought of dying in the desert depressed them and nearly deprived them of all courage. All of them gave up the attempt in despair. Just then, a man with several camels appeared. Despite trucks, the camel is still mans best friend. The man designated his job was to rescue them.He was a descendant of Spanish soldier. His name derived from his grandfather. The man detached a water bag from the baggage then gave it to them. Next, he led them to the safe place. The descent down the sand hiII took two hours. But eventually they arrived at their destination. The man deserved their thanks for his bravery. The survivors ate a lot of desserts! Then they told the other curious travelers about their adventure in the desert in details !
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