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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  and so forth 等等 =and so on

  set fre释放 Hopened thcagdoor and set thbirds free.

  makfriends 交朋友,友好相处 Hmadlot of friends in China

  bfriends with 对 友好,与 交上朋友

  makfun of 取笑,嘲弄 It is wrong to makfun of thdisabled.

  in (the) futur将来,未来 thimmutablwhen used in giving warning

  get across 解释清楚,(使)被了解 Our teacher is clever, but not very good at getting his ideas across.

  get along/on with



  3.与 友好相处 1.

  2=go on well 3. havfriendly relationship (with )

  get around/round 1.=bablto movagain after illness 2. =travel 3. =spread

  get around/round to 找时间做,开始考虑 After long delay, hgot around to writing thletter.

  get at 够得着,触及;

  意指,意思是 1.Put thfood wherthfood cant get at it. 2.What aryou getting at?

  3. Stop getting at me!

  get away 逃脱,离开 1. Ththieves got away .2.How did hget away with cheating?

  get by 通过,过得去,过活 1.Shcant get by with so littlmoney. 2. Your work will get by, but try to improvit.

  get down 1.咽下;2写下;从 下来 1.Try to get thmedicindown. 2.Get down every word hsays. 3. This continual wet weather is getting mdown.

  get down to 开始,着手 to get down to work / business

  get in 1.到达,进站;2.进入;参加;收回;插入(话) 1.Thplangot in late.2.=comin(4) 3.Get thdoctor in 4.May get word in?

  get into 对 发生兴趣;卷入;(使)进入 1.They got into thcar and drovoff. 2. Ivgot (myself) into trouble. 3.Ill soon get into thway of things.

  get off 1.动身,开始;2.离开,下车3.逃脱惩罚 1. When do you get off (work)? 2.Get off (thbus) at thhospital.

  get out of 逃脱,改掉 1.Htried to get out of helping me.2.to get out of bad habit 3. Thpolicgot thtruth out of him. 4.cant understand why peoplsmoke. What do they get out of it?

  get over 克服困难,解决问题,从(病,失望.震惊)中恢复过来 1.Youll bglad to get your operation over (with). 2.to get over an illness

  get thbetter of 占上风,胜过

  get through 1.2接通电话;3.完成;4.通过(如考试);花光金钱等,克服困难,解决问题 1.tried to telephonyou, but couldnt get through. 2.cant get (it) through to him that hmust rest. 3.When you get through with your work,lets go out. 4.to get through an examination.

  get together

  (with sb) 集会,聚会 When can wget together?

  get up 1,起床,起立;2.振作,奋发;

  3.到达; 4.专心于 1.What timdo you normally get up? 2.get up steam 3. What paghavyou got up to? 4.Thchildren arvery quiet; wonder what theyrgetting up to.

  E.givaway 1.赠送,捐献

  2.出买,泄露,暴露 1.Shgavall her money to thpoor. 2. Mary was given away by her father.

  3.Htried to pretend that hwasnt worried, but his shaking hands gavhim away.

  givback 送还,恢复 1.Givmback my pen. 2. Givmmy pen back.

  givin 1.认输,让步,屈服;

  2.交上,呈上 1.Thboys fought until ongavin. 2.Givyour examination papers in (to thteacher) when youvfinished.

  givoff 发出,放出 to givoff steam

  givoneself away 泄露,露马脚

  givoneself up 自首,投案,投降 Hgavhimself up (to thpolice).

  givout 1.分发;

  2.耗 尽 1.Givout thexamination papers. 2.His strength gavout.

  givup 停止,放弃,辞去 1.to givup ones studies 2.Givyour seat up to thold lady.

  givway to 让位于,被 代替;

  给 让路,对 让步

  go after 追逐,追求 to go after job / girl/ prize

  go ahead 前进,领先,开始 Work is still going ahead on thnew bridge.

  go along with 赞同,支持 Well go along with you/your suggestion.

  go around/round 流传,足够分配 1.Therarlot of colds going around. 2.Why do you go around with such strangpeople?3If therarnot enough chairs to go around,sompeoplwill havto stand

  go back on 违背 =to break or not keep(ones promise,agreement,etc.)

  go by 1.经过

  2.依照,遵守 1.car went by. 2.to go by thrules

  go down 下降,减少;

  被接受,受欢迎 1.Thfloods argoing down. 2.Threships went down in thstorm. 3.My anklhas gondown. 4.He/his speech went down well (with thcrowds). 5.This day will go down in history.

  go for 选择;袭击;适用于 1.=go at 2.=go after 3.dont go for men of this type. 4. find this report badly done, and this goes for all thother work donin this office.

  go in for 从事,致力于,追求,沉迷于 1.Several peoplwent in for thrace. 2.dont go in for sports.



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