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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.A for thbetter 好转,向好的方向发展 a changfor thbetter= a changwith good results

  get thbetter of 胜过,战胜,在 中占上风 to get thbetter of ones opponents

  had better 最好还是,应该 ought to, should

  on board 在船(飞机)上 They got on board thtrain.

  bbound to 必定,一定 Its bound to rain soon.

  break away (from) 脱离,逃跑 Thcriminal brokaway from thpolicemen who werholding him.

  break down 损坏;分解,瓦解 1.They break thdoor down. 2. His opposition brokdown. 3. Thcar brokdown. 4. Peter brokdown and wept when his mother died. 5. Chemicals in thbody break our food down into useful substances.

  break in 1强行进入,闯入;

  2.打断,插嘴 1.Hbrokin and stolmy money. 2.Shbrokin with somideas of her own.

  3. to break new shoes in

  break into 1.闯入; 2.突然发生,突然开始;3突然改变步法 4侵占;5.打开并提取紧急之物 1.to break into a hous2. to break into song/ laugh/ tears 3.break into a run 4.Social

  duties break into my time/leisure.5.to break into money onhas saved.

  break off 中断,中止 1.Thostwo countries havbroken off relations. 2. Hbrokoff a branch.

  4. A branch brokoff (thtree).

  break out 1.2.突然发生,爆发;3.逃跑 1.War brokout. 2.Shbrokout in curses(大怒). 3=escape:to break out of prison

  break through 1.突破;2.克服,征服,压倒 1.Thsun break through (thclouds).

  5. Thdoctors brokthrough in their fight again heart disease.

  break up 1.破碎,拆散,瓦解;2.终止;3.婚姻关系结束;4身体衰弱,变弱; 1. Thicwill break up when thwarm weather comes. 2. Thpolicbrokup thfight. 3. Their marriagbrokup. 4. Hmay break up under all this pressure.(他累垮了)

  A catch ones breath 1. 歇口气; 2.屏息 Hsat down to catch his breath.

  out of breath 喘不过气来

  上气不接下气 Hran so fast that hwas soon out of breath.

  A in brief 简单地说,简而言之 In brief hsays No .

  His brief of speech.

  bring about 导致,带来,招致 causto happen: Scienchas brought about many changes in our lives.

  A bring down ,降低 Thpilot brought thplandown gently.

  A bring forth 提出 What suggestions do you expect them to bring forth?

  A bring forward 提出,提议 1.Thdirector brought forward a new plan for thcompany. 2. Thelection will bbrought forward to Juninstead of July.

  I.A bring out 1.使出现/显明;2阐释,文明; 3A公布,出版;4.帮助消除害羞心理或沉默寡言态度 1.to bring out a new kind of soap.2.break out thmeaning of a poem. 3. When arthpublishers bring ing out his new book? 4.=help to losshyness or reserve: Bill is very quiet; try to bring him out

  A bring to 使恢复知觉 They brought thgirl to with smelling salts.

  They brought her to.

  bring up 抚养,培养 1.to bring up children 2. to bring up thquestion of your holidays

  build up 建立 to build up ones strength

  A in bulk 大批,大量 to buy in bulk

  burn out 烧掉 1.Thbuilding was burnt out and only thwalls remained. 2. That small fircan bleft to burn (itself) out.



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