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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  3. I am glad you have come; I was ____the point of ringing you up, but you have saved me trouble now. A) at B) on C) to D) in 4. The ____ Court is the highest court in the UnitedStates A) Superior B) Supreme C) Super D) Superficial 5. We hoped to go abroad for our holiday but our plans did not ____. A) come up B) come out C) come on D) come off 6. The travels of Marco Pole in the twelfth century would not have been so well known ____ for the book he wrote while in jail. A) it had not been B) had it not been C) it has not been D) has it not been 7. Chinese immigrants began ____ to the United States in large numb ers in the middle of the nineteenth century. A) to come B) coming C) to have come D) having come 8. The Gadfly was too much ____ to wake easily once asleep. A) abandoned B) deserted C) exhausted D) injured 9. In the ____ of rain, the party will be held indoors. A) face B) event C) time D) course 10. The manager said that all the cameras sold in the shop are ____ for one year. A) guaranteed B) ensured C) confirmed D) assumed 答案与解析: 旅游业为那个国家的经济作出了很大的贡献。近义词辨析题。support 是及物动词,指支持benefit 作及物动词,指使受益,作不及物动词,指从中受益,后接介词from,不接介词to;assist 指援助,帮助contribute作不及物动词,后接介词to, 指贡献,捐献,促成。 体质不好、缺少金钱都可能妨碍教育的进步。近义词辨析题。loss 指损失barrier指障碍物,屏障 tragedy 指悲剧vacuum 指真空。 我很高兴你来了;我刚才正要给你打电话,你来了省去了我的麻烦。固定词组题。be on the point of doing something是固定短语,指正要做某事的时候。 最高法院是美国最高等的法院。形近词辨义题。superior 指优越的,突出的supreme 指至高的,最高的super 指上等的,极好的superficial 指表面的,肤浅的。 我们原来希望去国外度假,但是计划没有成功。形近短语辨义题。come up 指走近,(问题等)被提出come out 指出来,出版come on 指跟随,进步come off 指举行,结果,成功。 要不是马可波罗在狱中写的那本游记,他在十二世纪的所见所闻不会被人们如此得熟悉。语法结构题。本题考点是虚拟式if it had not been for...(要不是的话)的倒装形式:将连词if省略,把助动词had放到主语之前。 十九世纪中期中国移民开始大量来到美国。语法结构题。begin后接动词不定式,一般情况下接动词不定式一般式,而本句强调动作已完成则最好用动词不定式come的完成式to have come。 牛虻太累了,一旦睡着就不会容易醒来。单词辨义题。abandon 指放弃,遗弃desert 指抛弃,舍弃exhaust 指用尽,使筋疲力尽injure 指损害,伤害。 万一下雨的话,聚会将在室内举行。形近短语辨义题。in the face of 指面对 in the event of 指万一的话 in the time of 指在的时候 in the course of 指在的过程中。 10.A 经理说商店出售的所有商品都保修一年。近义词辨析题。guarantee 指保证,担保,它强调保证商品的品质和服务; ensure 指保证得当,使安全confirm 指确定,批准assume 指假定,设想。



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