treat 对待,处理; Ill treat you. 我请客,应用于真正请客之前。Its on me. 应用于结帐时。
adjust vt. 调整,调节; adopt vt. 收养,领养; remedy vt. 弥补,补救,修正; 68. A new technique _C_, the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent. A working out B having worked out C having been worked out D to have been worded out yields 产量;
work out 作出,推出 关于百分数之前介词的用法 increase to 80 percent 增加到80% increase by 60 percent增加了60% 55. Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded _A_ 27%. A by B for C to D in 69. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _C_. A hurt B damaged C spoiled D harmed spoil vt. 宠坏,溺爱 70. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will _B_ over his business to his son. A take B hand C think D get take over 接管接收; hand over 移交,交出; think over 仔细考虑; get over 克服,战胜。
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