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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. There was once a town in this couontry where all life seemed to live in ________ with its surroundings.

  A. coincidence

  B. harmony

  C. uniform

  D. alliance

  2. The court considers a financial ________ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.

  A. payment

  B. obligation

  C. option

  D. penalty

  3. It is true that ________ a wild plant into a lajor food crop such as wheat requires much research time.

  A. multiplying

  B. breeding

  C. magnifying

  D. generating

  4. The government has devoted a larger slice of its national ________ to agriculture than most other countries.

  A. resources

  B. potential

  C. budget

  D. economy

  5. In this poor country, surival is still leading industry; all else is ________.

  A. luxury

  B. accommodation

  C. entertainment

  D. refreshment

  6. some eciminals were printing ________ dollar bills until they were arrested.

  A. dencent

  B. fake

  C. patent

  D. suspicious

  7. Mr. Bloom is not ________ now, but he will be famous someday.

  A. significant

  B. dominant

  C. magnificent

  D. prominent

  8. His body temperature has been ________ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5 degree centigrade.

  A. uncommon

  B. disordered

  C. abnormal

  D. extraordinary

  9. He seems to be ________ enough to climb to the mountain top tin an hour.

  A. radiant

  B. conscientious

  C. conspicuous

  D. energetic

  10. Although cats cannot see in complete darkness their eyes are much more ________ to light than

  human eyes are.

  A. glowing

  B. brilliant

  C. sensitive

  D. gloomy


  1.B。coincidence n一致巧合,harmony n和谐 ;C. uniform adj一致的;D. alliance联盟联合。

  2.D。payment 支付的款项付款,obligation义务,职责,option v选择n期权,penalty违反法律或者规则的惩罚代价n点球。

  3.B。multiplying 动物的繁殖,breeding培育养育,breeding n一代人,new breeding新新人类,magnifying 放大,夸大,generating 发电,能源的发出。

  4.C。resources资源,potential adj潜在的,n潜力,budget预算,economy n经济,global economy全球经济一体化。

  5.A。luxury 奢侈,奢华,accommodation 住宿,和解,调解, entertainment 娱乐,refreshment 精神爽快,心旷神怡。

  6.B。dencent 体面的,优雅的,合适的,fake 假的,伪造的,patent 专利,adj明显的,suspicious 怀疑的,多疑的。

  7.D.significant 形容事务的重要性, dominant更强有力的,显著的,重要的 magnificent 书籍及衣物的精美的,prominent 形容人的重要显赫的重要的。

  8.C。uncommon不常见的,不常发生的,disordered 只需混乱的,杂乱的,abnormal 不正常的,extraordinary特殊的。

  9.D。radiant 兴高采烈的,狂喜的,兴奋的,conscientious 诚实的,善良的,conspicuous 显著的,energetic 运动时精力充沛的,热情专注的。

  10.C。glowing 微弱的,沉闷的,brilliant 杰出的,sensitive 敏感的,gloomy 阴暗的,沮丧的。



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