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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.He ____enough information on his tour of South America to write a book.A. compiled B. packed C. edited D. assembled

  2.Having suffered a lot of setbacks, he was getting too ____ to trust others.

  A. optimistic B. cynical

  C. pessimistic D. solitary

  3.It s ____to send cards to relatives and friends during the Christmas season.

  A. experimental B. superiorC. liberal D. customary

  4.The complete ____ in Grade 4 includes computer, philosophy, paper writing and translation.

  A. curriculum B. subject C. procedure D. profession

  5.Adult as he is, he hasn t learned to ____ his temper.

  A. resist B. retreat C. curb D. irritate

  6.The robbers had just broken into the store, when the alarm rang, right on ____.

  A. shift B. saleC. purpose D. cue

  7.The ____ of the poet, the artist and the writer often bring fame without wealth.

  A. discoveries B. creations

  C. inventions D. revisions

  8.Cigarette smoking is a major factor ___ to cancer.

  A. attributing B. contributing

  C. distributing D. constituting

  9.He dreamed of being a newspaperman, even a foreign ____.

  A. correspondent B. diplomat

  C. press D. principal

  10.To show our friendliness, we gave our ____ welcome to the delegation composed of visiting scholars.

  A. gorgeous B. gentle C. cordial D. innumerable



  他将关于自己南美州旅行的足够资料汇总成书。此题为近义词辨析题,题干中 information 和 book 为关键词。

  compile编纂;汇集成册:compile a dictionary编一本字典;These tables are compiled from actual observations.这些表格是由实际观测结果汇编而成的。B. pack捆扎,将 打包:pack clothes into a trunk 将服饰打包装进大衣箱。C. edit编辑;校订:edit the complete works of Luxun编辑鲁迅全集。D. assemble集合,召集,装配:assemble forces调集兵力;assemble the parts of a machine装配机器零件。此题是将资料汇总成书,而非将文章编辑成书,故A为最佳答案。


  经历太多挫折以后,他变得愤世嫉俗,以致于不能相信别人。此题为形容词辨析题,根据句意来判断。cynical愤世嫉俗的:be cynical about life对生活愤世嫉俗。A.optimistic乐观 向上的:There re optimistic signs for my future.有迹象表明我的前景乐观。C. pessimistic悲观的:pessimistic view悲观主义的看法。D. solitary孤独的:a solitary walk独自散步。本题中:Having suffered a lot of setbacks经历太多的挫折,可能使人悲观对前途无望,但不相信别人不是太悲观,而是认为挫折是别人造成的,因此怨天尤人,愤世嫉俗,故B为最佳答案。



  此题为形容词辨析题,根据句意和常识来判断。customary合乎习惯的,惯常的。A. experimental试验的;实验的:an experimental farm/flight实验农场/试飞。B. superior较好的,较优越的:My watch is superior to yours.我的手表质量比你

  的好。C. liberal开明的,慷慨大方的:be liberal with/of one s money用钱大方。给亲友送卡片是习俗,谈不上慷慨大方。


  四年级的全部课程包括计算机、哲学、论文写作和翻译。此题为同类词辨析题,A、B均与 课程 有关。curriculum课程,或某一学科的全部课程: the curriculum of arts文科课程。B. subject科目,学科:We have to take at least ten subjects.我们必须修至少十门学科。C.procedure程序;手续;步骤:legal procedure法律程序;procedure in production生产步骤。D. profession职业:an athlete by profession职业运动员。本题讲的是四年级的全部课程,complete和in Grade 4暗示了该选择A。


  尽管他是成年人,但他没有学会控制自己的脾气。此题为动词辨析题,根据句意来判断。curb约束,控制:curb one s impatience 控制不耐烦情绪。A. resist抵抗,反抗,拒绝:resist the invasion抵抗侵略;忍耐,忍住,常用否定式:I can t resist sweet things.我喜欢甜食。B.retreat撤退,退却:retreat from reality逃避现实。D. irritate烦恼,烦躁:be irritated by one s insolence对某人的傲慢无礼恼火。本句要点,尽管他是成年人,但有些方面不像成年人,那就是can t curb his temper不能控制自己的脾气。


  抢劫犯刚闯进商店,警报就响了。此题为词组辨析题,可根据句意用排除法来做。on cue恰在 时候:Right on cue the boss came in.恰在这时,老板进来了。A. on shift轮班:on the night shift值夜班。B. on sale出售;廉价出售:The book is on sale today.这本书今天大减价。C. on purpose故意地:I didnt hurt you on purpose.我不是故意要伤你的。


  诗人、艺术家和作家的作品常使人成名而非带来财富。此题为近义词辨析题,根据句意来判断。D为陪衬项。creation创立;创造;产物;:artistic creation艺术创造的作品。A. discovery发现,找出某些客观存在但不为人知的东西。C. invention发明。D. revision修订,修改:the revision of draft修订草案。


  吸烟是导致癌症的主要因素。此题为词组辨析题,A、B、C为形近词,A、B均能与 to 搭配。contribute 贡献;促成作用。A. attribute sth. to sth.把 归因于:He attributed his success to hard work.他把自己的成功归因于自己的努力。C. distribute分发;分配;分布:distribute the test paper/the work分发试卷/分配工作。D. constitute构成:This constitutes a direct threat to them.这对他们构成了直接威胁。本题要点:介词to暗示了只能在A和B中选择,而A. attribute sth. to sth.把某事的结果归因于某事,句中factor已经表明某原因,因此只能选B。


  他梦想成为一名资讯工作者,甚至是驻外记者。此题为名词辨析题,题干 newspaperman 为线索词。

  correspondent资讯记者,通讯员。B. diplomat外交官。C. press报刊;出版社;通讯社:Oxford University Press牛津大学出版社。D. principal负责人,校长 :the principal of the local school当地学校校长。在本题的并列结构中,与资讯工作者有并列的,紧密联系的只有A,故A为最佳答案。


  为了表达我们的友好态度,我们热情欢迎这个由来访学者组成的代表团。此题为形容词辨析题,题干中 welcome 为提示语。

  cordial友好的,热情的:be cordial to any one对任何人都很友好。A. gorgeous令人愉快的;豪华的;美丽的:gorgeous day/dining room愉快的一天/豪华的餐厅。B.gentle和蔼的,轻柔的:a gentle breeze和风。D. innumerable数不清的:There re innumerable stars in the sky.天空中的星星数不清。通常warm或cordial与welcome连用,故C为正确答案。



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