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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  guidance   n. 指导,指引,领导   under the guidance of 在 指导(指引)下   guilty   adj. 有罪的;内疚的   be guilty of 犯 罪   be guilty for 因 而内疚   gulf   n. 海湾   the Persian Gulf 波斯湾   gum   n. 树胶,树脂;口香糖   gym   =gymnasium   gymnasium   n. gymnasia / gymnasiums   体育馆;健身房   halt   v.(使)停止;(使)停住   The officer halted his troops for a rest. 军官命令部队停止行进,休息一下。   stop   n. 停止,停住   cease   call a halt (命令)停止   come to a halt 停止   bring to a halt 使 停止   hammer   n. 锤子,榔头   v. 敲打,锤击   strike   hammer in a nail / hammer a nail in 用锤敲进一钉   hammer out 锤平某物   hammer at 敲打   handful   n. 一把,少量   a handful of people 少数人   few   handle   v. 触,摸;应付,处理,控制(人)   She is good at handling children. 她很会带小孩。   deal with   v. 搬,拿;操纵   manipulate   n. 柄,把手   handwriting   n. 笔迹,手写物   handy   adj. 手边的,附近的;方便的;手巧的   harbor   n. 海港,港口   port   vt. 心怀,怀有   harbor thoughts of revenge 心怀报复的念头   vt. 庇护,藏匿   harden   v. (使)变硬,(使)坚强   be hardened to 对 无动于衷   soften   hardship   n. 困苦的情况;痛苦,苦难   suffering   hardware   n. 计算机硬件   software   n. 金属器具   Pots and pans are hardware. 壶和平底锅是金属器具。   harm   n. 损坏,危害,伤害   damage , injury   vt. 伤害,危害   hurt   do harm to 损害,对 有伤害 = do harm   Too much drinking will do you harm. 喝太多的酒对你有害   do good   harmony   n.(感情,兴趣等的)和睦,一致;协调,和谐   They lived in perfect harmony. 他们相处得很融洽。   be in harmony with 与 一致   harness   vt. 治理,利用   harness the power of the sun 利用太阳能   utilize   n. 马具   harsh   adj. 严厉的,苛刻的   severe   adj. 刺耳的,刺目的   haste   n. 匆忙,赶快,急速   hurry   in great haste 匆匆   He went off in great haste. 他匆匆离去。   Make haste ! 赶快!   More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。   hatred   n. 憎恶,仇恨   with hatred 憎恶地   have a hatred for 憎恨   be in hatred of sb. 憎恨某人   be hateful to sb. 在某人看来是可恨的   hay   n. 干草   hazard   n. 冒险,危险;机会,偶然的事   at all hazards 不顾任何危险地   at hazard 在危险中,随便地   heading   n. 标题   headline   n.(报刊的)大字标题;(复数)资讯广播的提要



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