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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Men in the post office classify mails according to places it is to go.   邮局人员按寄送地点将信件分类。   vt. 分等级   claw   n. 爪,脚爪   clay   n. 粘土;泥土;陶土   clerk   n. 办事员,职员;店员   cliff   n. 悬崖,峭壁(特指海边的)   climate   n. 气候;(社会)风气,(社会)思潮   clothe   vt. 给 穿衣,给 衣服   He clothed himself in his best clothes. 他穿上最好的衣服。   vt. 覆盖   The trees are clothed in green leaves. 树木满是绿叶。   cloudy   adj. 多云的,阴天的;浑浊的,模糊的   cloudy ideas 模糊的概念   club   n. 俱乐部,夜总会;棒,球棒   He hit the ball with the club. 他用棒击球。   clue   n. 线索;暗示   hint   clumsy   adj. 笨拙的,愚笨的   coach   n. (铁路)旅客车厢   You can find him in the next coach. 你可以在下一节车厢找到他。   n. 长途公共汽车,四轮大马车;私人教师,(体育)教练   vt. 训练,指导   coach sb. for an exam 指导某人准备参加考试   coarse   adj. 粗的,粗糙的   coarse sand 粗沙   adj. 粗俗的,粗鲁的   coarse language 粗鲁的语言   coast   n. 海岸   on the coast 在海岸上   n. 海滨地区   cock   n. 公鸡,龙头,扳机   code   n. 代码,代号   coil   n. (一)卷,(一)圈;线圈   v. 卷,盘绕   coil a rope 卷起绳索   wind , curl   coin   n. 硬币,货币   vt. 铸造   These pennies were coined at the mint in London. 这些便士是伦敦造币厂铸造的。   vt. 杜撰(新词)   coin a new word 造一个新词   collapse   vt. 倒坍,塌下   The roof collapsed under the weigh of the snow. 屋顶因积雪的重压而塌陷。   vt. 崩溃,突然失败   n. 倒坍,塌下   the collapse of a tent 帐篷的倒塌   n. 崩溃,突然失败   suffer a nervous collapse 精神崩溃   collar   n. 衣领;项圈   colleague   n. 同事,同僚   work as sb s colleague 和某人共事   collection   n. 搜集,收集;收藏品   collective   n. 集合;全体人员   adj. 集体的,共同的   the collective wishes of the people 人民的共同愿望   collective economy 集体经济   collective ownership 集体所有制   collision   n. 碰撞   The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker.   据报道,那艘客轮与一艘油轮相撞。   n. (利益,意见等的)冲突   come into collision with 与 发生冲突   in collision 相撞,在冲突中   colony   n. 殖民地;侨居;群体(生物学)   column   n. 柱,柱状物   A column of smoke rose from the fire. 火上升起一股烟柱。   n. 专栏   The story fills up the literary column of the newspaper.   这个故事占了报纸的文艺栏。   combination   n. 结合,联合,合并   He carried on the business in combination with his friend.   他和朋友合伙做生意。   n. 化合,化合物   command   n. 命令,指令;掌握,运用能力   He had a good command of English. 他精通英语。   vt. 命令   The officer commanded the men to fire. 军官命令士兵们开火。   vt. 指挥   vi. 指挥   Who commands here ? 谁在这儿指挥?   commander   n. 司令官,指挥官



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