bond n.联结,联系,公债,合同 v.黏合,结合
典型例句:They were bonded together in love for ever.
boom n.繁荣,激增,隆隆声 v.繁荣,飞速发展,发出隆隆声
典型例句:In a city with booming industry,land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic.
boost n.提高,推动,激励 v.提高,鼓舞,激励
历年真题:They stress that you can manage also boost immune function.
border n.边,边缘,边界 v.围,邻接,与 接壤
典型例句:The United States borders on Canada.
导学:注意border on sth.的用法,一方面该短语表示(接近某物,毗邻某物),如例句所示;另一个含义是其比喻意义,指(在某事物的边缘),如:Our task borders on the impossible.
bore n.讨厌的人,麻烦事 v.使厌烦,钻(孔),挖(洞)
典型例句:Im bored with this job.
想一想:①boredom ②boring ③boresome
Key:①n.厌烦,厌倦 ②a.令人厌烦(厌倦)的 ③a.令人厌烦(厌倦)的,讨厌的,无聊的
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