illustration n.说明,例证,图表,插图
典型例句:To give a definition of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use.
image n.形象,映像,图像,肖像,偶像,形象化的比喻
典型例句:Hes the very image of his father.
imaginary a.假想的,想象的,虚构的
典型例句:He told a story about an imaginary land.
名师导学:imaginary,imaginative和imaginable意思都含 想象的 。imaginary指 想象的,虚构的 ,如Although the main characters in the novel are so true to life, they are imaginary.(虽然小说里的人物写得栩栩如生,但都是虚构的)。imaginative指 富于想象力的 ,如Scott was an imaginative writer.(司格特是位富于想象力的作家)。imaginable指 可想象的 ,常放在名词后面,前加all,only,every或最高级形容词,如This is the only solution imaginable.(这是唯一想得出的解决办法)。
巧记:imagin(想象)+ary( 的)=imaginary
imagination n.想象,想象力,空想
典型例句:Imagination is a valuable quality and a motivating power, and stimulates achievement.(2008年12月阅读)
名师导学:imagination,fancy和fantasy都指在头脑中形成印象的能力,尤其是对于无法通过感官觉察的事物。imagination形成思维的能力,其思想过程是较为积极的。如:Poets and artists have imagination(诗人和艺术家都有想象力)。fancy主要指古怪的、多变的或嬉戏的思想产物,与现实相距特别远,如:Is world peace only the fancy of idealists?(难道世界和平只是理想主义者的幻想吗?)fantasy一词主要指陷入奇异的或夸大的幻想后的思想产物,如:The young man lives in a world of fantasy.(这个年轻人生活在幻想的世界里)。
imitate v.模仿,仿效,仿制
典型例句:James can imitate his teacher perfectly.
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