inhabitant n.居民,住户
典型例句:Inhabitants of large cities are tired of traffic jams.
inherit v.继承(传统等),遗传而得
典型例句:She inherited her mothers good looks and her fathers bad temper.
想一想:①inherited ②inheritance
Key:①a.通过继承得到的,遗传的,继承权的 ②n.遗传,遗产
initial n.词首大写字母 a.最初的,词首的,初始的
典型例句:The initial talks were the base of the later agreement.
initiative n.第一步,主动 a.创始的,自发的
典型例句:The child displayed great initiative in going to fetch the police.
名师导学:该词属于常考词汇,习惯用语为take the initiative(带头,倡导,争取主动,发起)。
injection n.注射,注射剂,注入,充满
典型例句:It took three nurses to hold him down while they gave him the injection.
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