intimate a.亲密的,个人的 vt.暗示,提示 n.至交,密友 典型例句:They establish and maintain more intimate relations with us after the contract was established. 译文:合同建立之后,他们与我们建立了更加亲密的关系。 名师导学:此词的短语搭配要注意be intimate with sb./be on intimate terms with sb.与某人关系密切。 巧记:in(不)+tim(害怕)+ate=因为亲密而不害怕 想一想:①intimately ②intimidate Key:①ad.密切地 ②v.胁迫 introduction n.介绍,引进,引言 历年真题:Scientists found that lead levels in soil in the North-eastem United States had decreased markedly since the introduction of unleaded gasoline. 译文:科学家们发现自从引进无铅汽油后,美国东北部土壤中的含铂量有了明显的降低。 名师导学:introduction的动词是introduce,把某人介绍给某人用introduce sb.,introduce into表示 把 引进,传入 。 invade vt.入侵,侵略,侵袭 典型例句:Soldiers invaded the country to conquer it but the invaders were driven out of the country by the natives. 译文:军队入侵这个国家想要占领它,但是入侵者被当地人赶出了他们的国土。 巧记:in(进入)+vad(走)+e=未经允许走进来=侵犯,侵扰 想一想: invasion Key:n.入侵,侵略,侵犯 invent vt.发明,创造,捏造 典型例句:He invented an ingenious excuse for his absence. 译文:他为自己的缺席编造了一个巧妙的借口。 名师导学:invent 发明 ,它的对象是以前没有的新东西。discover 发现 ,它的对象是本来存在但是不为人知的。create 创造,创作 ,常用于抽象的事物,也可指艺术上的创作。find 发现,找到 。 想一想:invention Key:发明,创造,捏造 invest v.投资,投入,授予 历年真题:Parents in low-income countries fail to invest in their daughters because they do not expect them to make an economic contribution to the family. 译文:低收入国家的父母不在女儿身上做投资,因为他们并不指望着女儿能为家里的经济状况做贡献。 名师导学:此词的考点主要是搭配invest in投资于,耗费 (于 );invest with赋予。 想一想:investment Key:n.投资,投资额;(时间、精力等的)投入