281 .Some Japanese parents believe that if their young children attend a university-based program,it will increase the children s chances of eventually being admitted to toprated schools and universities.
本句的主干是parents believe that。that引导的是believe的宾语从句,其中if引导的是条件状语从句。名词和动词过去分词构成的合成词university-based为program的定语,top-rated为schools and universities的定语;eventually being admitted to top-rated schools and universities为介词of的宾语。attend此处的意思是 参加 。
increase the chance of 的意思是 增加 的可能性、希望 。如:
This decline has increased the chance of banking crises.这次衰退增加了银行危机爆发的可能性。
admit sb. to的意思是 接收某人,准许某人加入 。如:
Only women are admitted into the club.该俱乐部只接纳女会员。
除表示 参加 外,attend还有以下常见含义:
出席 。如:
Only a few people attend the funeral.只有少数人出席了葬礼。
经常去 。如:
Their children attend the same school.他们的孩子上同一所学校。
注意,专心 。如:
Please attend to what the manager says during the meeting.开会时请注意听经理讲话。
陪同,随同 。如:
The star was attended by several bodyguards.该明星有几名保镖随从。