pledge ;guarantee ;assure ;ensure ;insure
1. pledge n. 保证,誓言;抵押权;公约;(表示友谊的)干杯vt. vi. 使发誓,保证;典当,抵押vt. 许诺;用担保;以誓言约束;向祝酒vi. 作出庄重有约束力的誓言;祝愿,祝酒eg.The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the six states of the region.会议以承诺加快这一地区六国间的合作而结束。Philip pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can.菲利普保证给予支持,并主动提出尽其所能提供帮助。I pledge that by next year we will have the problem solved.我保证来年之前我们将解决这个问题。
2.guarantee n. 保证,担保;保证人,保证书;抵押品vt. 保证,担保eg.A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a guarantee of quality.公司悠久的品牌并不能保证商品的质量。All students are guaranteed campus accommodation for their first year.保证安排所有的学生第一年在校内住宿。
3.assure vt. 向保证;使确信;给保险eg.He hastened to assure me that there was nothing traumatic to report.他忙不迭地向我保证,并没有什么悲惨的事要诉说。Government officials recently assured Hindus of protection.政府官员近来保证对印度教徒进行保护。
4. ensure vt. 确保;担保获得;使(某人)获得;使安全eg.I will ensure that the car arrives by six oclock.我保证汽车六点钟以前到。This medicine will ensure you a good nights sleep.这药能保证你睡一夜好觉。
5.insure vt. 保证;确保;为保险;投保vi. 买卖或卖保险eg.Will it insure success to you?这将保证你成功吗?Check your work to insure its accuracy.检查一下你的工作,以保证它的准确性。An insurance company will insure your life.保险公司可以给你保寿险。
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