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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  练习二 选择

  1. The hopes, goals, fears and desires widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.

  A. vary B. transfer C. alter D. shift

  2. In a sudden of anger, the man tore up everything within reach.

  A. blast B. split C. attack D. burst

  3. In Britain people four million tons of potatoes every year.

  A. exhaust B. consume C. dispose D. swallow

  4. Dont let the opportunity away from you.

  A. disappear B. go C. slip D. glide

  5. When he heard the bad news, the glass from his hand and fell into pieces.

  A. slid B. slipped C. skimmed d. stripped

  6. It took him several months to the wild horse.

  A. tend B. cultivate C. breed D. tame

  7. Not only students, but also professors like having a walk on the every evening.

  A. faculty B. campus C. kindergarten D. guidance

  8. The words of his old teacher left a impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.

  A. liberal B. long C. lively D. lasting

  9. Some diseases are by certain water animals.

  A. transported B. transmitted C. transformed D. transplanted

  10. One minute Pierce was by my side, the next he had into the crowd.

  A. faded B. vanished C. entered D. dissolved

  11. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it enough to eat.

  A. light B. tender C. slight D. mild

  12. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough .

  A. trouble B. nuisance C. worry D. anxiety

  13. The computer revolution may well change society as as did the industrial revolution.

  A. fundamentally B. comparatively C. insignificantly D. certainly

  14. He was after one year of hard work.

  A. accelerated B. promoted C. hastened D. advanced

  15. The police have proof that he was the murderer.

  A. complete B. absolute C. prefect D. sure

  16. The thief tried to open the locked door but .

  A. in no way B. in vain C. without effect D. at a loss

  17. The relationship between employers and employees has been studied .

  A. originally B. extremely C. violently D. intensively

  18. She is not a good actress, but she gets a lot of roles to play because she has a good .

  A. agent B. director C. deputy D. representative

  19. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply .

  A. appealed B. appreciated C. applied D. approved

  20. John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must the curiosity and creativity of childen.

  A. seek B. stimulate C. shape D. secure

  21. If you want to know the train schedule, please at the booking office.

  A. acquire B. inquire C. request D. require

  22. The project by the end of 2000,will expand the citys telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.

  A. being accomplished B. to be accomplished

  C. accomplished D. having been accomplished

  23. After the guests left, she spent half an hour the sitting-room.

  A. arranging B. tidying up C. ordering D. clearing away

  24. The tomato juice left brown on the front of my jacket.

  A. spot B. point C. track D. trace

  25. When you write an essay, please remember not to off the point.

  A. wander B. interrupt C. leave D. drop

  26. A belief in magic still among some tribes.

  A. prevails B. preserves C. misleads D. restores

  27. It has been revealed that some government leaders their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.

  A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overlook

  28. Drinking tea at 4 p.m. is a popular British .

  A. favourite B. institute C. institution D. academy

  29. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful in the market.

  A. barracks B. batteries C. baskets D. bargains


  1. A 人的希望、目标、恐惧和欲望因性别、贫富而异。

  2. D 一怒之下,他把能够得着的东西都撕掉了。

  3. B 英国人每年吃掉四百万吨土豆。

  4. C 别让机会从你身边溜走。

  5. B 一听到这个坏消息,杯子从他手中滑落到了地上,摔碎了。

  6. D 驯服这匹马花了他几个月的时间。

  7. B 学生和教授都喜欢傍晚在校园散步。

  8. D 老教师的话在他心中留下了永久的印象,依然影响着他。

  9. B 有些疾病是通过水中的动物来传染的。

  10. B 皮尔斯刚才在我身边,一忽儿便消失在人群里了。

  11. B 为了使肉够嫩好吃,她煮了很长时间。

  12. B 厨房里总是有很多蚂蚁,讨厌死了。

  13. A 电子计算机革命可能会像工业革命一样使社会发生根本性变化。

  14. B 他勤奋工作一年后得到晋升。

  15. B 警方掌握了确切的证据证明他是凶杀。

  16. B 那个贼企图把上了锁的门打开,但却是徒劳。

  17. D 已经深入地研究过雇主和雇员之间的关系。

  18. A 她不是个出色的演员但她却有许多角色要演,因为她有一位出色的代理人。

  19. B 我们非常喜欢作为礼物送给我们的那些珍贵的图书。

  20. B 约翰?杜威认为:教育应该是为生活做准备的,人要通过行动来学习,教学要激发儿童的求知欲和创造力。

  21. B 如果想知道列车时刻表请到售票处查询。

  22. B 这项工程将于2000年底完成,它将扩展城市的电话网,可容纳100万用户。

  23. B 客人走后她花了一个小时整理起居室。

  24. A 番茄汁在我夹克的前面留下了棕色的斑点。

  25. A 写文章时注意不要跑题。

  26. A 对巫术的迷信仍在一些部落里盛行。

  27. C 据透露有些政府领导人滥用职权为自己谋取非法利益。

  28. C 英国流行下午四点喝下午茶的风俗习惯。

  29. D 有人愿意在星期天去购物因为想在市场里买到便宜货。



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