21. They could not go to the theater together because his free time never ______ with hers.
A. collide B. comply C. coincide D. cope
collide 碰撞,相冲撞
collision 冲突
bump 撞击
bump into 邂逅,偶然遇到
comply 遵守
adhere 坚持,遵守,粘着
conform 符合,遵守
cope 处理
22. Everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished the ____ tale.
A. perpetual B. vigorous C. ultimate D. pathetic
degenerate 退化
perpetual 永久的
centripetal 向心的
centrifugal 离心的
vigorous 精力充沛的,强壮的
robust 强壮的
energetic 激力充沛的,充满活力的
ultimate 最后的
intimate 亲密的
legitimate 合法的
pathetic 可怜的,动情的
sympathetic 同情的
23. We have taken all the ____ we can against the painting being stolen.
A. precautions B. admissions C. concessions D. transactions precaution 预防措施,警惕
caution 警告
24. The ____man would go his own way, in spite of all warnings.
A. obedient B. obstinate C. digital D. elaborate
obedient 顺从的,服从的
obey 服从
digital 数字的,爪子,手指的
prodigy 奇迹
elaborate 精耕细作的,详细的
25. Some flowers, like roses, are famous for their strong ______.
A. fragrance B. flavor C. demon D. outline
delirious 神志不清的
delicious 美味的
flavor 气味
bruise 擦伤
cruise 巡游
cruiser 巡洋舰
brutal 残忍的
demon 魔鬼
detest 厌恶
contest 比赛
protest 抗议
light 光
delight 高兴
slight 轻微的,苗条的
alight 点亮的
blight 枯萎
flight 飞行
plight 困境
depart 离开
outline 大纲,轮廓
outlook 前景,现象
outlet 发泄,出口,出路
outcome 结果
output 产量
outskirt 郊区
outdoor 户外的
26. The amateur team was _____from the contest in the first round.
A. detached B. excused C. eliminated D. distracted
detach 派遣
relic 遗弃物
eliminate 排除,淘汰
limit 界限
contest 比赛
context 上下文
pretext 借口
texture 结构,质地
27. He is planning another tour abroad, yet his passport will_____ at the end of this month.
A. expire B. exceed C. terminate D. cease
expire 过期,断气
genius 天才
inspiration 灵感
perspiration 汗水
conspiracy 同谋,共谋
28. All the off __shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read _____letters from their families.
A. sentimental B. affectionate C. intimate D. sensitive
sentimental 多愁善感的
affectionate 有感情的
intimate 亲密的
sensitive 敏感的
29. Please _____yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the law forbids them.
A. restrain B. hinder C. restrict D. prohibit
restrain 限制,抑制
hinder 阻碍,阻碍
restrict=put a limit 限制
prohibit 禁止
hamper 妨碍,约束
30. The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state____.
A. pensions B. earnings C. salaries D. donations
donation 捐款
generous 慷慨的
colony 侨民,殖民地
1. Important people dont often have much free time as their work____all her time.
A. takes away B. takes over C. takes in D. takes up
take away 拿走
take over 接管,监管,移交
hand over 移交
take in 吸收,欺骗,领会,理解
I was simply taken in 我被骗了
take up 开始从事,占据
2. The braches could hardly_____ the weight of fruit.
A. retain B. sustain C. maintain D. remain
contain 包含,包容
detain 阻拦,拘留
retain 保留,维持,保护
attain 获得
pertain 相关,从属
maintain 坚持,维持
pertinent 相关的,中肯的,贴切的
pertinently 相关地,中肯地,贴切地
continent 大陆
sustain 支持,支撑,经历,保持
underlying 基本的
undergo 经历,经受,承受
undertake 承担,负起的责任
underline 强调,划线于下
underscore 强调
scores 乐谱
notes 音符
movement 乐章
3. I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a ____ character.
A. gracious B. suspicious C. unique D. particular
gracious 谦和的,和善的
unique 唯一的
particular 特别的
4. American women was ______ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.
A. ignored B. neglected C. refused D. denied
ignore 忽视
ignite 点燃
neglect 忽视,忽略
collect 收集,集中
select 挑选,选择
elect 选出,选举
starry 繁星满天的
silently 安静地,默默地
emotion 感情
flurry 使恐慌,不安
empty 空的,空白
slightly 轻轻地,些微地
imply 暗示
penalty 惩罚,点球
merry 高兴
concern 忧虑,关心
occupy 占据,占领
occupation 职业
luxury 奢侈的
many 许多
integrity 正直,诚实
confident 自信的
genuine 真诚的
modest 谦虚的,中庸的
rely 依赖
truthful 真诚的
generous 慷慨的
humble 谦逊的,下贱的
keep sb occupied for a week 忙了一周
5. He made such a ____ contribution to the university that they are naming one of new buildings after him.
A. genuine B. minimum C. modest D. generous
colony 侨民,殖民地,群
a colony of bees 一群蜜蜂
genuine 真诚的,诚实的
true 真的,真正的
real 真实的,真正的
authentic 可信的,真实的
minimum 最小值,最小化
minimal 最小的
minister 部长,大臣
administer 管理
administration 管理
minimize 最小化
miniature 微型的,缩小的
6. Careful planning and hard work will _______ our final success.
A. enclose B. ensure C. discharge D. deny
ensure 保证,担保
insure 保险
policy 保单
7. It took him several months to ________ a wild horse.
A. tend B. cultivate C. tame D. breed
tend 打算做,照看
bartender 酒吧招待
tender 柔软的,易受伤害的,善良的
cult 祭祀的活动,迷信,礼拜
cultivate 培育,培养,耕作
culture 文化
bargain 讨价还价,谈判
barren 贫瘠的,荒凉的
barbarian 野蛮人
abo=aboriginal 澳洲土著人
embarrass 使尴尬
bare 光秃的,裸露的
assassin 谋杀,暗杀
tame 驯化
contaminate 污染
contamination 污染
8. I hate people who ______ end of a film that you havent seen before.
A. revise B. rewrite C. reveal D. reverse
reveal 揭示,揭露
veil 面纱
disclose 揭发,泄露
uncover 揭露,发现
unfold 揭露,打开,展开
revise 修改,校对
vision 视线
supervise 监督
supervisor 监考官
reverse 颠倒,反转
converse 对话,颠倒的,相反的
conversation 交谈
diverse 不同的,变化多的
controversy 争论,辩论
universe 宇宙,世界
verse 诗歌
9. The soldier was _____ of running away when the enemy attacked.
A. accused B. charged C. scolded D. punished
accuse 指控,指责
charge 控告,指责
scold 责备,责骂
punish 惩罚
attack 攻击
assault 攻击,袭击
10. None of the servants was ______ when Mr Smith wanted to send a message.
A.available B.approachable C.attainable D.applicable
available 可获得的,有用的
approachable 可接近的
attainable 可获得的
applicable 可应用的
11. The doctor told Penny that too much ____to the sun is bad for the skin.
A. exposure B. extension C. exhibition D. expansion
exposure 暴露
extension 伸展,扩展
exhibition 展览
expansion 膨胀
12. She cut her hair short and tried to _____ herself as a man.
A. decorate B. disguise C. fabricate D. fake
disguise 伪装
disgust 恶心,反感
awful 恶心的,极度的,可怕的
repulsive 恶心的,令人厌恶的
nasty 恶心的,淫秽的,下流的,龌龊的
navigate 航行,航海
navigator 航海者,海员
nausea 恶心,晕船
13. We need help from the other countries. But we do not _______ on others for support.
A. engage B. lean C. strip D. multiply
engage 从事某事
engagement 约会
lean 依靠,斜靠着,瘦的
strip 脱衣
destination 目的地
detest 厌恶
delight 高兴
depart 离开
multiply 乘以,增加,繁殖
comply with 遵守
compliant 顺从的
compliance 遵守,顺从
supply 供给
reply 回答
imply 暗示
multimedia 多媒体
multidirectional 多方面的,全方位
multiform 多形式的
14. We are writing to the manager ______ the repairs recently carried out at the above address.
A. with the exception of B. with the purpose
C. with reference to D. with a view to
介词+名词+介词 其短语的含义取决于中间名词的意思
view 视野,风景,观点
come into view 看得见,应入眼帘
yearling 一岁兽
15. Whether their football team will win is a matter of _____ to me.
A.indifference B.discrimination C.deviation D. interests
indifference 冷漠,无兴趣
discrimination 歧视,区别
deviation 偏差,偏离
interest 兴趣
16. The coming of the railways in 1830s____ our society and economic life.
A.transformed B.transported C.transferred D. transmitted
economy 经济
economic 经济的
economical 节俭的
economics 经济学
electron 电子
electronic 电子的
electronics 电子学
multiform 多种形式的
transport 运输
port 港口
transplant 移植
translate 翻译
a big fish 大人物
porter 搬运工
portable 可搬运的,便携式的
export 出口
import 进口
support 支持
visible 可见的
appreciable 可欣赏的,值得重视的
successful 成功的
respectable 可尊敬的
conference 会议
refer 谈及
interfere 干涉,干扰
17. If you want to know the train schedule, please ______ at the booking office.
A. acquire B. inquire C. request D. require
acquire 获得
require 要求,请求,命令
inquire 询问,盘问,追究
request 要求
18. I am not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I cant make a ____ promise to help you.
A. exact B. defined C. definite D. sure
investment 投资
investigate 调查
irrigate 灌溉
irritable 激怒的
navigate 航行
castigate 惩罚
mitigate 缓和,调解,减轻
sure 确信
insure 保险
ensure 确保
define 限定,下定义
final 结束的
refine 提纯
finance 财政,资金
19. It has been revealed that some government leaders ____ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.
A. employ B. take C. abuse D. overlook
abuse 滥用,虐待
abnormal 不正常的,反常的
overlook 忽视
oversee 监督,监视
overhear 无意中听到
20. Writing is a slow process, requiring ______ thought, time and effort.
A.significant B.considerable C.enormous D.numerous
considerable 相当多的,值得考虑的
significant 重要的,有意义的
enormous= tremendous 相当多的,大量的
numerous 许多的,大量的
star 星星
planet 行星
comet 彗星
constellation 星座
21. When people become unemployed, it is ____ which is often worse than lack of wages.
A. laziness B. poverty C. idleness D. inability
pluck 采摘
plead 辩护
probe 调查
blush 脸红
22. The newly-built science building seems ______ enough to last a hundred years.
A. spacious B. sophisticated C. substantial D. steady
steady=well controled 稳定的,牢固的
substantial=solid 稳固的
solid 固体
stable 稳定的,
establish 建立,创建
spacious 宽广的,宽敞的
sophisticate 使老于世故,使复杂
naive 天真的
innocent 无辜的,纯真的
eminent 优秀的,杰出的
prominent 突出的,显著的,向前伸
23. An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to _____ further research and further thinking about a particular topic.
A. stimulate B. renovate C. arouse D. advocate
stimulate 刺激
renovate 革新,更新
novel a.新颖的 n.小说
arouse 引起,引发
advocate 拥护,提倡,支持
renouvate 更新,革新,翻新
rise 上升,升起
arise 出现
arouse 唤起,引起
raise 举起,立起
advocate 支持,拥护
evoke 唤起,引发,喊出等
provok 激发,激怒,煽动
24. The new secretary has written a remarkably ___ report only in a few pages but with all details.
A. concise B. clear C. precise D. elaborate
concise 简捷的,简明的
clear 清楚的
clarify 澄清,阐明
precise 精确的,精致的
excise 切除,割去
contemporary 同时代的,当代的
clear 清晰的
bleary 模糊的
25. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents_____.
A. command B. conviction C. consent D. compromise
consent 同意
conviction 坚信的信念,深信
victory 胜利
compromise 妥协
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