conflict n. struggle; fight
conform v. ~ keep to or comply with
consent v. ~ give agreement or permission
consequent adj. ~ following sth as a result or an effect
considerable adj. great in amount or size
consist v. consist of sth be composed or made up of sth
constant adj. going on all the time; happening again and again
constitute v. make up or form ; be the components of
constrain v. make do sth by strong persuasion or by force
construct v. build ; put or fit together; form
consult v. ~ sb/sth go to for information, advice, etc
consume v. use up
contact n. ~ state of touching
contemporary adj. ~ of the time or period being referred to; belonging to the same time
context writings preceding and following passage quoted
contract n. ~ legally binding agreement, usu in writing
contradict v. say sth that conflicts with by , suggesting that the person is mistaken or not telling the truth
contrary adj. opposite in nature, tendency or direction
contrast v. ~ A and/with B compare so that differences are made clear
contribute v. ~ give ones share of to help a joint cause
controversy n. ~ public discussion or argument, often rather angry, about sth which many people disagreewith
convene v. summon to come together; arrange
converse v. ~ ; ~ talk
convert v. ~ change from one form or use to another
convince v. ~ sb make sb feel certain; cause sb to realize
cooperate to work or act together
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