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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with one suitable word.

  From the beginning, water has furnished man with a source of food and a highway to travel upon. The first civilisations arose____________ (1) water was a dominant element in the environment, a challenge__________(2) mans ingenuity. The Egyptians invented the 365___________ (3) calendar in response___________ (4) the Niles annual flooding. The Babylonians, who were among ___________ (5) most famous law-makers___________ (6) antiquity, devised edicts regulating water usage. Water inspired the Chinese___________ (7) build a 1,000 mile canal, a complex system___________ (8), after nearly 2,500 years, ___________ (9) still partly in use and still commands the awe of engineers. But the ancients never found complete solutions ____________ (10) their water problems. The Hwang Ho, or Yellow River, is also known___________ (11) Chinas Sorrow it is so erratic and dangerous___________ (12) in a single flood it has caused a million deaths. Floods harassed the great civilisation of the Indus River valley, and inadequate drainage ruined much__________ (13) its land. Today____________ (14) dominates man as it always has___________ (15). Its presence continues to govern the location of his homes and cities; its tempestuous variability can kill ___________ (16) or his herds or his crops; its routes link him to____________ (17) fellows; its immense value may add___________ (18) already dangerous political conflicts. There are many examples__________ (19) this in our___________ (20) time.


  1. where 2. to 3. day 4. to 5. the 6. of/in 7. to 8. which/that 9. is/remains 10. to 11. as 12. that 13. of 14. it/water 15. done 16. him/man 17. his 18. to 19. of 20.own


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