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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men? Are women more highly motivated and __1__ than male managers?

  Some research __2__ the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater __3__, an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a __4__ to bring emotional factors to bear __5__ making workplace decisions. These differences are __6_ to carry advantages for companies, __7__ they expand the range of techniques that can be used to __8__ the company manage its workforce __9__.

  A study commissioned by the International Womens Forum __10__ a management style used by some women managers that __11__ from the command-and-control style __12__ used by male managers. Using this interactive leadership approach, women __13__ participation, share power and information, __14__ other peoples self-worth, and get others excited about their work. All these __15__ reflect their belief that allowing __16__ to contribute and to feel __17__ and important is a win-win __18__-good for the employees and the organization. The studys director __19__ that interactive leadership may emerge __20__ the management style of choice for many organizations.

  1. A) confronted B) commanded C) confined D) committed

  2. A) supports B) argues C) opposes D) despises

  3. A) combination B) cooperativeness C) coherence D) correlation

  4. A) willingness B) loyalty C) sensitivity D) virtue

  5. A) by B) in C) at D) with

  6. A) disclosed B) watched C) revised D) seen

  7. A) therefore B) whereas C) because D) nonetheless

  8. A) help B) enable C) support D) direct

  9. A) evidently B) precisely C) aggressively D) effectively

  10. A) developed B) invented C) discovered D) located

  11. A) derives B) differs C) descends D) detaches

  12. A) inherently B) traditionally C) conditionally D) occasionally

  13. A) encourage B) dismiss C) disapprove D) engage

  14. A) enhance B) enlarge C) ignore D) degrade

  15. A) themes B) subjects C) researches D) things

  16. A) managers B) women C) employees D) males

  17. A) faithful B) powerful C) skillful D) thoughtful

  18. A) situation B) status C) circumstance D) position

  19. A) predicted B) proclaimed C) defied D) diagnosed

  20. A) into B) from C) as D) for


  1.D confront面对,遭遇;command命令,指挥;confine有限的,狭窄的;committed

  2.A despise轻视,厌恶,根据下文可知,这些研究是支持而不是反驳这种观点,只有support为支持的意思

  3.B 根据下文,强affiliation, attachment的自然就是cooperativeness合作了。

  4.A willingness愿意,自发

  5.B bear sth. in sth.心里怀有,铭记在心

  6.D be seen to...被视为...

  7.C nonetheless=nevertheless虽然如此;whereas虽然,反之;这两词表转折,先排除。根据句意,是表因而不是果,故选because

  8.A 只有help可以接不带to的不定式。

  9.D effectively有效的


  11.B differ from 区别,不同

  12.B traditionally 传统上的

  13.A encourage 鼓励

  14.A enhance提高,增强

  15.D things事情

  16.C 根据88题后的employee可以轻易得到答案

  17.B powerful强大的和后面的important重要的相呼应。

  18.A win-win situation双赢

  19.A 根据后面句子里的情态动词may可知,研究主任的话是预测,不是宣布,故用predict.

  20.C emerge as作为,以...的形式,此处意为 作为可供选择的管理模式



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