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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Methods of studying vary; what works__71__ for some students doesn t work at all for others. The only thing you can do is experiment __72__ you find a system that does work for you. But two things are sure: __73__ else can do your studying for you, and unless you do find a system that works, you won t although college. Meantime, there are a few rules that__74__ for everybody. The hint is dont get ___75___ .

  The problem of studying, __76__ enough to start with, becomes almost__77__ when you are trying to do __78__ in one weekend. __79__ the fastest readers have trouble __80__ that. And if you are behind in written work that must be __81__, the teacher who accepts it __82__late will probably not give you good credit. Perhaps he may not accept it__83__ . Getting behind in one class because you are spending so much time on another is really no __84__. Feeling pretty virtuous about the seven hours you spend on chemistry won t __85__one bit if the history teacher pops a quiz. And many freshmen do get into trouble by spending too much time on one class at the __86__of the others, either because they like one class much better or because they find it so much harder that they think, they should __87__all their time to it. __88__the reason, going the whole work for one class and neglecting the rest of them is a mistake, if you face this __89__, begin with the shortest and easiest __90__. Get them out of the way and then go to the more difficult, time consuming work.


  71. A) good B) easily C) sufficiently D) well

  72. A) until B) after C) while D ) so

  73. A) somebody B) nobody C) everybody D) anybody

  74. A) follow B) go C) operate D) work

  75. A) behind B) after C) slow D) later

  76. A) hardly B) unpleasant C) hard D) heavy

  77. A) improbable B) necessary C) impossible D) inevitable

  78. A) three weeks work B) three weeks works

  C) three weeks work D) three week s works

  79. A) Even B) Almost C) If D) with

  80. A) to do B) doing C) at doing D) with doing

  81. A) turned in B) tuned up C) turned out D) given in

  82. A) very B) quite C) such D) that

  83. A) anyway B) either C) at all D) too

  84. A) solution B) method C) answer D) excuse

  85. A) help B) encourage C) assist D) improve

  86. A) expense B) pay C) debt D) charge

  87. A) devote B) put C) spend D) take

  88. A) Whichever B) Whatever C) However D) Wherever

  89. A) attraction B) decision C) temptation D) dilemma

  90. A) arrangements B) way C) assignments D) class

  71.D) well是副词,good是形容词,所以A)不可。与后面相比较的doesn t work at all相关的是,此处B)、C)形成不了关联。

  72.A) 此句的意思是你一直进行尝试,直到找到适合自己的学习方法。因而此处的连词要表达 直到 的意思。 73.B) 线索是空格后的else,两个词连起来表示 (除了你自己),别的任何人都不能 。

  74.D) work常用于抽象的意义,表示起作用的意思。请参照第一句中的动词。

  75.A) get behind等都表示落后的意思,根据上下文,显然是说,我们在学习上是不要落后。

  76.C) 此处要求填一个形容词,A)可排除。又根据上下文,可以理解出这句话的意思应该是:学习这个困难,一开始的时候是非常难的,而当你想在一周内完成三周的事情时则变得几乎是不可能的。这时谈的是难度的问题,因此选其它的答案是不合适的。如果直接解此题有困难,可以先做后面的题。

  77.C) 根据从句中的意思来判断本题的答案。不管78选哪个答案,我们都知道是要在一周内做三周的事,毫无疑问,应当说这是几乎不可能的。

  78.C) 表面考的是所有格的用法,实际上考的是名词的数。三周肯定是复数,week必须是复数形式;work是不可数名词。答案就一目了然了。

  79.A) 本题考查的是篇章词汇。解题也有两种方法。第一种方法从篇章的角度着手,承接上面一段,说的是学习的困难,在这里显然是说 即使 是读得最快的人也有困难,选A)顺理成章。第二种方法从句法着手。这是一个简单句,显然不能填连词和介词,C)、D)明显错误。单就本句来说,选almost也是不能的。

  80.B) have troubling后要求接动名词。

  81.A) turn in 的意思是 交上去,上交 ,其它的选项是:turn up 出现, turn out出来;结果是,given in 让步。

  82.D) 此处表示 过晚 之意,用too。

  83.C) 还记得常说的not at all 吗?

  84.D) 这一句及其下一句是说因为你在别的科花的时间太多而在另一科落后,前者不是后者的理由。所以此处要选表示 借口、理由 意思的词,即是excuse。

  85.A) 表示笼统的 有用 的动词是help。

  86.A) at the expense of的意思是 以 为代价 。

  87.A) 注意后面的介词to,所以这是一个固定搭配。

  88.B) 想一想 What is the reason that 这个句型吧。

  89.C) 前面所说的明显是一种诱惑,所以要选temptation。

  90.C) 前面说的是上什么什么课的事,所以选class。



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