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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  From patriotic songs blaring on the metro to parties on the International Space Station, Russia proudly celebrated on Tuesday 50 years since rocketing Yuri Gagarin into the first human orbit。

  In a video link with space, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told astronauts aboard the orbital station that space exploration remained Russias priority。

  In those 50 years, we absolutely cant imagine life without space, without your flights, Medvedev told the crew from Russias Mission Control Centre, named after the legendary father of the Soviet space programme Sergei Korolyov。

  Space is our priority.

  Space station Commander Dmitry Kondratyev said his current six-person US, Russian and European crew would celebrate the holiday from the front lines in weightlessness。

  This flight stirred the whole world and showed what humanity was capable of, said veteran Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, 76, who completed the first space walk in 1965.

  He invited us all into space, Leonov told at Kremlin hall filled with some of the worlds most well-loved space icons, citing a tribute from the first man on the moon, US astronaut Neil Armstrong, to Gagarin。

  Since Gagarins epic journey into the unknown 50 years ago, some 500 people have followed him into space。

  If Yuri Gagarin had not made this flight I would not have flown to the moon, said US astronaut Thomas Stafford, commander on the first US lunar landing in 1969.

  俄罗斯本周二高调庆祝人类历史上首位宇航员尤里 加加林太空飞行50周年。地铁中响起爱国歌曲,国际空间站也举办派对庆祝。

  俄罗斯总统米特里 梅德韦杰夫在与国际空间站视频连线时告诉轨道空间站的宇航员,太空探索仍是俄罗斯的重中之重。

  梅德韦杰夫告诉俄罗斯宇航控制中心的工作人员:在过去50年里,我们完全无法设想没有太空探索、没有你们的航天飞行的生活。这座宇航控制中心是以前苏联载人航天开创者谢尔盖 帕夫洛维奇的名字命名的。


  空间站指挥官米特里 康德拉特耶夫称,分别来自美国、俄罗斯和欧洲的六位航天员将在无重的最前线庆祝这一天。

  前苏联宇航员阿列克谢 列昂诺夫说:加加里的首次太空飞行震惊了全球,展示出人类的巨大能量。列昂诺夫在1965年首次完成了太空行走,现年76岁,已经退休。



  1969年美国登月计划指挥官、美国宇航员托马斯 斯塔福德说:如果尤里 加加林没有进行首次太空飞行,我可能也没有飞去过月球。




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