按顺序做每一道小题,正确理解题目所表达的内容,根据题目中的关键词题眼,在文中找到相应的位置 。定位词找2-3个就行,多了也记不住。最好是位置不同的两个词。
1. 比较长,难的名词容易定位,好找。
2. 时间、数字、地点、人名、大写字母的单词容易定位。
1. National standards for paved roads were in place by 1921.
2.General Eisenhower felt that the broad German motorways made more sense than the two lane highways of America.
3. It was in the 1950s that the American government finally took action to build a national high way system.
例1的定位词是1921; 例2的定位词有General Eisenhower, 再加上German, 还有America;例3也有鲜明的1950s, 参照American government.
5. In spite of safety considerations, the death rate on interstate highways is still higher than that of other American roads.
这里Death rate当然可能用数字来表达。
9. Trucks using the interstate highways deliver more than ________________.
More than后面也可能是数字。
4. Many of the problems presented by the countrys geographical features found solutions in innovative engineering projects.
5. In spite of safety considerations, the death rate on interstate highways is still higher than that of other American roads.
6. The interstate highway system provides access between major military installations in America.
7. Service stations, motels and restaurants promoted the development of the interstate highway system.
例4中,在原文中最容易找的会是什么?是很多问题,还是地理特征,还是创造性的工程?应该说都可能。这时候problem好,还是geographical feature等好?对定位而言,可能长得比较怪异的更打眼一些,虽然可能不认识。
例5中,safety consideration可以考虑,而death rate要么是原词,要么是数字,很好用。至于American roads这个概念太泛,不专一,就很难说了。
例6中,interstate highway system是文章的核心概念,反复出现,反而是最不好的定位词。Access between military installations比较怪异,是应该留意的对象。America再次出现,再次贬值。
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