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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  What is terrorism?

  In a growing number of conflicts around the world, one or both sides attempt to label the other as terrorist in an effort to win support for their own causes. Yet as the so-called terrorists group often proclaim, a clear distinction between a terrorist action and a non-terrorist military operation is frequently difficult to establish. Most governments argue that terrorism is defined by violent methods to achieve political ends which are undertaken by organizations not recognized by the world community as legitimate representatives of a nation; furthermore, random acts of violence, like attacks on school buses or shopping centers, are labeled as terrorist . Political organization as the IRA and the PLO have been dubbed(称为) terrorists , by the governments of England and Israel because of their tactics and their non-official statuses as representatives of accurately defined nations. In the case of the PLO, however, its election to power under Yasser Arafat has now confused its former recognition as terrorist. Even the IRA is earning status as an authentic opposition voice to the continued presence of British troops on Irish soil.

  All this simply highlights the problems of separating what is a legitimate political organization with the right to employ violence to achieve political ends from so-called terrorist groups. Inseparable from this issue is historical precedence and the degree of power and prestige an organization or nation has on the world stage. For example, while most independent observes would agree that the IRA setting off a bomb in a London subway station confirms its notoriety, they would be less certain that Israel s recent bombing of a refugee camp is equally terrorist , despite the fact that many more innocent people were killed and injured in the latter incident than in the former. This raises the question, though certainly not for the first time, whether legitimate, even democratically elected, governments are also capable of terrorist action. Is there always a clear moral distinction between the behavior of normally respected nations and that of rogue organizations? What does seem clear from these reflections is not that terrorist actions are in any way justified, but that the use of such labels is sometimes based on a political need rather than on superior moral or ethical grounds.

  1.What is the point the article tries to make?

  A) Non-official status of a political organization involves

  terrorist suspicion.

  B) Terrorism defies clear-cut distinction.

  C) Terrorist element exists in every violent conflict.

  D) Government actions are never guilty of terrorism.

  2.Which of the following could be concluded from the article?

  A)An indisputable example of a terrorist group is PLO.

  B)Actions to achieve political ends cannot avoid using force.

  C)An acceptable criterion for terrorism is killing civilians.

  D)International prestige is a justification for violence.

  3.The classification of PLO is now less clear because___.

  A) it begins to show friendly attitude towards Israel

  B) it stands for an independent state in the Middle East

  C) it is no longer engaged in random performance of violence

  D) it is the elected political representative of the Palestine

  4.It could be logically inferred from the article that____.

  A) terrorism is not being defined on ethical criteria

  B) defense actions committed on a foreign land is admissible

  C) terrorism unavoidably involves immoral policies

  5.The author wrote this article to ___.

  A) show sympathy to unrecognized national forces

  B) condemn political motives in defining terrorism

  C) justify the ambiguity in giving terrorism labels

  D) call for better approaches to terrorism



  无法清楚地区分恐怖主义。中心思想题。根据原文第二段第二句:Yet as the so-called terrorists group often proclaim, a clear distinction between a terrorist action and a non-terrorist military operation is frequently difficult to

  establish. 以及原文其它信息可综合得知B选项:Terrorism defies clear cut

  distinction.是本题正确答 案。A:一个政治组织的非官方地位涉嫌为恐怖主义组织。C:在每一起暴力冲突中都存在恐怖主义因素。D:政府行为从不会犯恐怖主义错误。都与原文信息不符,故均为错误答案。


  在国际上的影响力(声望)是暴力活动的正当借口。推理判断题。根据原文所给关于IRA和PLO例子可知D选项:International prestige is a justification for



  它现在是巴勒斯坦人民所选出的代表。细节判断题。根据原文第二段倒数第二句话:In the case of the PLO, however, its election to power under Yasser Arafat has now confused its former recognition as terrorist. 可知D为正确答案。A:开始对以色列表现友好态度。B:在中东地区代表了一个独立国家。C:不在牵涉进无节制的暴力行动中。都与原文信息不符,故均为错误答案。


  定义恐怖主义的标准不是建立在道德上。推理判断题。根据原文最后一句话:What does seem clear from these reflections is not that terrorist actions are in any way justified, but that the use of such labels is sometimes based on a political need rather than on superior moral or ethical grounds. 可知A为正确答案。B:允许在别的国家进行自卫行动。C:恐怖主义不可避免地都要牵涉到不道德的政策。D:民主国家不会犯恐怖主义活动罪。都与原文信息不符, 故均为错误答案。





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