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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Its one thing to want to get fit, but its a whole other thing to actually do it. Going from couch potato to enthusiastic exerciser takes some serious motivation and a fitness plan thats easy to follow.


  We went to celebrity fitness guru David Kirsch the man behind the bodies of Heidi Klum and Anne Hathaway to get his tips for getting your butt off the couch and working out. His simple plan will help you get toned, without having to morph into a total gym rat.

  我们拜访了明星减肥专家大卫 克尔士(他可是名模海蒂 克拉姆和甜蜜公主安妮 海瑟薇美妙身材的背后功臣),看看他有什么建议能让你从沙发里爬起来,开始锻炼。他简单的减肥计划能帮助你完成蜕变,而且不需要变成一个健身狂人。

  Set Reasonable Goals


  The easiest way to discourage yourself is to set an unreasonable goal there will be no way for you to hit it and youll wind up getting frustrated and giving up. Kirsch recommends setting an obtainable goal, such as I want to lose five pounds, or I want to fit into my skinny jeans.

  制定一个不切实际的目标是最容易让自己泄气的 你根本没有办法实现它,而且只会让自己越来越沮丧,最后放弃。克尔士建议大家制定一个可以实现的目标,比如 我想减掉5磅 或者 我想穿上这条紧身牛仔裤 。

  Its also important to be realistic about your time frame and the amount of exercise you do each day. Dont start off at two hours a day youll burn out. If you are not sure what youre doing, find a good trainer or training material to guide you.


  Movement = Exercise


  You dont need to go to the gym to exercise, says Kirsch. The easiest way to start your new fitness routine is to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. When you get out of bed in the morning, before heading to the shower, do 15 knee bends, 15 lunges and 15 crunches. When youre making breakfast, do some isometric contractions: squeeze and release your abs, your butt, your thighs.

  你没有必要去健身房锻炼, 克尔士说。要启动一项新的减肥计划,最简单的办法就是把它融入到你的日常生活中去。早上起床后别急着冲澡,先做15个屈膝运动,15个弓步训练和15个仰卧起坐。可以一边做早餐一边做一些肌肉收缩训练:收紧并放松你的腹肌、臀部和大腿。

  Get your body moving with a 10 minute express workout be it yoga or stretching or cardio every day before work. If you start that way and build from that, youre more likely to stick with a program.


  Find Time For Fitness


  Feel like theres no time in the day to squeeze in exercise? Kirsch says that any exercise is beneficial, no matter how little. The reality is that our lifestyles are conflicting and everyone has different physical needs for exercise. Ideally, you should be doing an hour of exercise a day, but if you can only find time for 10 minutes, than 10 minutes of focused training beats doing nothing.


  Stay Focused


  According to Kirsch, the number one biggest mistake women make while exercising is not focusing on what they are doing. That means no more cell phone, no more magazines and no more TV while you are working out. You need to make the most of your time at the gym while you are there. Sitting on the treadmill and talking on the phone doesnt give you the exercise you really need. Whatever you are doing, focus. Connect your brain and your body so you can really focus on what you are trying to accomplish.




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