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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  What determines the kind of person you are? What factors make you more or less bold, intelligent, or able to read a map? All of these are influenced by the interaction of your genes and the environment in which you were 47 . The study of how genes and environment interact to influence 48 activity is known as behavioral genetics. Behavioral genetics has made important 49 to the biological revolution, providing information about the extent to which biology influences mind, brain and behavior.

  Any research that suggests that 50 to perform certain behaviors are based in biology is controversial. Who wants to be told that there are limitations to what you can 51 based on something that is beyond your control, such as your genes? It is easy to accept that genes control physical characteristics such as sex, race and eye color. But can genes also determine whether people will get divorced, how 52 they are, or what career they are likely to choose? A concern of psychological scientists is the 53 to which all of these characteristics are influenced by nature and nurture, by genetic makeup and the environment. Increasingly, science 54 that genes lay the groundwork for many human traits. From this perspective, people are born 55 like undeveloped photographs: The image is already captured, but the way it 56 appears can vary based on the development process. However, the basic picture is there from the beginning.


  [A] abilities

  [B] achieve

  [C] appeal

  [D] complaints

  [E] contributions

  [F] displayed

  [G] essentially

  [H] eventually

  [I] extent

  [J] indicates

  [K] proceeds

  [L] psychological

  [M] raised

  [N] smart

  [O] standard


  47. M) raised

  48. L) psychological

  49. E) contributions

  50. A) abilities

  51. B) achieve

  52. N) smart

  53. I) extent

  54. J) indicates

  55. G) essentially

  56. H) eventually

  47. raise在这里的意思是养育,the environment in which you were raised 意思是你成长的环境。

  48. psychological activity意思是心理活动,全句意思是研究基因和外部环境如何相互作用影响人心理活动的学科被称为行为遗传学。

  49. make contributions to为固定搭配,意为为做贡献。

  50. ability to 意思是做某事的能力,在此处,全句意思是任何一篇宣称人类做出某种行为的能力是基于生物学的研究都是有争议的。

  51. limitations to what you can achieve意思是对你所能达到的水平的限制。

  52. 此处需填一个形容词,而且用来形容人,根据题意,smart符合题意,表示机灵,可爱。

  53. 此处填extent,主要是因为后面有to,to the extent 译为的程度。

  54. indicate 意思是表明,显示。全句意为越来越多的科学表明基因对人类很多特征有基础作用。

  55. essentially 的意思是实际上,本质上。全句意为从这个角度来讲,人一出生,本质上就像是还没洗出来的照片:相已经照了,但是最终会呈现多少就在于显影的过程了。

  56. eventually 副词,意思是最终,最后。



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