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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  《哈利波特》系列影片主演丹尼尔 雷德克里夫表示听到人们猜他是同性恋,他感觉很棒。本月刚满20岁的丹尼尔说,让人们对自己的性取向产生好奇心不是什么坏事,并表示会让朋友上同性恋网站查看与自己有关的内容。丹尼尔表示自己身边一直都有同性恋朋友,这也可能是他平时举止有些像同性恋的原因。在其首部舞台剧《恋马狂》中全裸出演的丹尼尔表示很高兴《哈利波特》中的邓布利多校长被设定为同性恋身份;而对于影片的另外两名主演艾玛 沃特森和鲁伯特 格林特现在被人们视为性感演员,他表示不解。

  (Daniel Radcliffe, the star of the new film Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, thinks it is awesome that people think hes gay.)

  Daniel Radcliffe, the star of the new film Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, thinks it is awesome that people think hes gay.

  The actor, who turns 20 this month, also believes it is good to keep people guessing about his sexuality and said he asks friends to check gay websites for mention of him.

  He said: Its wonderful. I grew up around gay people my entire life, basically, thats possibly why Im quite camp, and some people think Im gay when I meet them, which I think is awesome.

  Its always good to keep them guessing. I dont go on any blogs or chats or anything, but my friends are demons for them, and apparently someone said Daniel Radcliffe is gay. Hes got a gay face! I really dont know what a gay face is.

  The sixth film in the saga Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which has been released worldwide, is expected to earn over 100 million in its first weekend.

  Filming has already begun of the two part sequel Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which will be released in 2010 and 2011.

  Radcliffe, who stripped naked for his first stage part in Equus, said he thought it was wonderful that the Harry Potter character Dumbledore was outed as gay.

  He also said it was strange that he and fellow Harry Potter stars Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint should now be considered sex symbols.

  He added: Its been funny with Emma. Yeah, its been very strange to watch that suddenly happen, because there was that weird time when she was like 15 or 16, and guys kind of knew they fancied her, but no one could say anything.

  Shes always been a very, very pretty girl, and now suddenly that she turned 18, everyones like OK, now shes fair game! Paparazzi! It is kind of creepy.



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