步骤一:迅速浏览大标题和小标题,了解文章的中心和文章整体的布局:6月份大标题是What will the world be like in fifty years? (未来五十年世界会是什么样?),这样考生就能联想到文章主要是对未来世界的预测,而小标题分别从八个方面进行了阐释Living Longer, Aliens, Colonies in Space, Spinal Injuries, Obesity, Robots, Energy, Society
例题1 According to Harvard professor Steven Pinker, predictions about the future_____. (CET-6,2008.6. No.2)
A) may invite trouble B) may not come true C) will fool the public D) do more harm than good
考生可以利用题目中的关键词Steven Pinker进行定位,在文章第六段找到对应的句子Harvard professor Steven Pinker says: This is an invitation to look foolish, as with the predictions of domed cities and nuclear-powered vacuum cleaners that were made 50 year ago.(这个想法特别愚蠢,就像50年前对于穹顶城市和核能真空吸尘器的预测一样),因此可以根据句意,可以排除A、C、D,而选择B.
例题2 Rodney Brooks says that it will be possible for robots to work with humans as a result or the development of _____. (CET-6,2008.6. No.8)
此题为填空题,考生可以根据题目中的关键词Rodney Brooks 在文中定位到小标题Robots部分Rodney Brooks, professor of robotics at MIT, says the problems of developing artificial intelligence for robots will be at least partly overcome.题干要求填空的部分由于紧接在of后面,需要一个名词性结构,而文中developing后面是动词宾语,正好也是名词性结构,所以答案是artificial intelligence for robots.
快速阅读中除了上述两种题型之外,还有难度较大的判断题型,即True,False,Not Given题,所以考生也需要对这种题目进行一定的练习,做好出题者变换题型的准备。True一般来说比较好判断,False还是Not Given,关键是看题目的表述和原文的表述是否对立,若判断为对立,那就应该选False,而选Not Given的情况是两者表述并不对立,只是题目的信息在原文中找不到相对等的表述。这里简单举一个小例子:
It is cold.
判断1:It is hot. (hot和cold是完全矛盾对立的,所以为False)
判断2:It is humid.(humid和cold没有对立关系,原文没有涉及,所以为Not Given)
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