It doesnt matter if a college student lives in the United States, Chile, China, Slovakia, Mexico or Lebanon -- many are addicted to media, researchers say。 Susan D. Moeller of the University of Maryland and the director of International Center for Media the Public Agenda says whether in developing countries or developed countries the findings are strikingly similar in how teens and young adults use media and how addicted they are to their cellphone, laptop or mp3 player。 The researchers and colleagues at the Salzburg Academy on Media Global Change asked about 1,000 students in 10 countries on five continents to give up all media for 24 hours and record their experiences。 The study found the students reacted almost identically to being unplugged from media and used virtually the same words to describe their reactions, including: fretful, confused, anxious, irritable, insecure, nervous, lonely, depressed, jittery and paranoid。 Perhaps naively, we assumed that we would find substantial differences among the students who took part in this study, Moeller says in a statement.After all, our partner universities come from very different regions and from countries with great disparities in economic development, culture and political governance. In short, the students were blind-sided by how much media have come to dominate their lives and their identity, Moeller says。 研究人员称,对于现在的大学生来说,不管他生活在美国,智利,中国,斯洛伐克,墨西哥还是黎巴嫩,他们中很多人都离不开电子产品。 马里兰州大学的苏珊 D 莫勒是国际媒体及公共课题研究中心的主任,她表示无论是发展中国家的年轻人还是发达国家年轻人,在如何使用如手机,笔记本电脑,MP3以及对这些电子产品的依赖程度上都惊人的相似。 奥地利萨尔茨堡科学院媒体与全球变化研究中心的工作人员邀请来自全球五大洲十个国家的一千名学生参加了一项实验,来检测他们在24小时内不使用任何电子产品将如何反应。 实验结果表明这些学生在无法接触到各种电子产品时的反应大致相同,他们都用同样的词语表达自己的感受,如烦躁,困惑,不安,易怒,惶恐,紧张,孤独,压抑,神经质和妄想狂。 在一项声明中莫勒说:可能是我们有点儿天真了,觉得能从参加实验的学生身上发现什么重大的不同,毕竟配合我们实验的大学生来自不同国家不同地区,经济,文化,政治都存在很大的差异。 莫勒最后说道:简而言之,学生的反应是由电子产品在他们的生活中占多大的比重,以及他们的个性特点决定的。
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