With hundreds of thousands of apps available, smartphones allow users to do anything from checking their bank balance to booking a flight. But 71 per cent of owners use them simply to make a call, text or check Facebook, research shows. In fact, the study revealed that a typical person exploits only 10 per cent of their phones functions。 科技的变革日新月异,手机应用也以秒的速度翻新、翻新、再翻新式的着人们的智商与神经。有数据显示,在智能手机市场上,大约71%的普通民众搞不懂智能为何物,手拿智能手机却只拿它来:打电话、发短信、再甚者也就是拿它来更新更新微博了。虽然,厂商们不遗余力渲染花样翻新的智能手机的N种智能功能,但是事实上,有数据显示,普通用户只能探索到智能手机中10%的功能而已。 The survey of 2,000 users also found more than half had felt pressured to get the latest or most popular smartphone, such as Apples iPhone4 or a BlackBerry. The devices, which will be the top gadget on Christmas lists this year, are really pocket computers. As well as the capacity for the downloadable programs known as apps, they can browse the internet and send and receive emails。 这项调查对象是2000名使用智能手机的用户,调查发现,大型手机厂商比如苹果、蓝莓推出新型机型、或者新型手机应用,50%的民众会感觉有压力,而非兴奋.。在圣诞节假日期间,高科技物品,比如智能手机、迷你电脑都属于厂商主推的圣诞主打圣诞礼物。而如今网上充斥着可下载的眼花缭乱的手机应用会让老百姓一头雾水。所以,民众选择回归原始大哥大的用途也不是没有道理。 The research by Envirofone, which recycles mobiles, estimates there are 11million smartphones in the UK. While there are many useful apps offering train information or sat-nav functions, others are bizarre. Jon Butler, of Envirofone, said: The latest phones have become status symbols which look flash but arent fully utilised. 该调查由英国手机回收网站Envirofone牵头,统计在英国上千万手机使用者。虽然调查员承认,也不是所有的手机应用都一无是处,有一些智能功能的确给人们带来了方便,比如说可以提供火车票信息的手机应用、全球定位系统等等,这些应用贴近生活、容易学习和使用,受到了用户的喜爱。来自回收网站的工作人员Jon Butler说:花样翻新的智能手机在一定程度上被功利化了,人们拿手机的目的不再是使用它,而是炫耀自身的社会地位。所以大多数的手机应用自投产到停产从未被人们发觉。
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