Trainee doctors are being left alone with seriously-ill patients out of hours because highly-paid experienced older staff want to clock off at 6pm. 那些高薪有经验的老医师都把严重病患留给实习医生,因为他们自己想在下午六点就下班。 A patient in hospital overnight is 15 times more likely to be under the care of a junior doctor than a consultant, the study found. 这项报告称,留在医院过夜的病人受实习医生照顾的可能性比受医师照顾的可能性要多15倍。 The news comes after David Cameron yesterday announced a public inquiry will be held into the deaths of hundreds of patients at Stafford hospital, overturning Labours decision to investigate behind closed doors. 在昨晚大卫.卡梅伦宣布将对斯塔福德医院里几百个死亡事例展开一项公众质询后传来这一消息,使工党改变主意决定调查那些幕后的秘密。 As many as 1,200 patients may have died between 2005 and 2008 because of the appalling standards. 在2005年到2008年有1200那么多的病人死于这个可怕的标准。 The report on junior doctors also found that only ten or 15 casualty departments in England had staffing levels which allowed them to genuinely run a 24-hour service at consultant level. 这份关于初级医生的报告也发现,在英格兰仅有10或者15个病情严重部门有高级医师24小时的照顾。 It examined the impact of the European Working Time Directive, which cut the maximum number of hours doctors could work to 48 last year. 据调查去年由于欧洲工作时间标准的公布,医生工作的最长时间被削减到48小时。 It concluded that the directive had compounded the problem of consultants not working unsociable hours. 得出的结论是这个时间标准把高级医师不能社交的问题都算在内了。 Professor Sir John , the author of the report, said patients were gradually becoming more aware that doctors working out of hours in hospitals were trainees because of failings in the system. 这项报告的作者约翰教授说,病人们逐渐意识到医生们在医院工作过度才会让实习医生来进入的。
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