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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  11 of producing a newfor exampletoothpaste would make 8 Op the decent price for it, so we will market it at l. 20. It is not a bad toothpaste , and as people like to try new things it will sell well to start with; but the 12 of novelty soon fades, so sales will 13 . When that starts to happen we will reduce the price to l. 15. And we will turn it into a bargain by printing 5p OFF all over it, whereupon people will rush to buy it even though it still costs about forty-three percent more than its 14 price.

  Sometimes it is not 5p OFF but lp OFF. What a shame to advertise lp OFF your soap or washing powder or dog food or whatever. Even the poorest old-age pensioner ought to regard this as an insult, but he doesnt. A bargain must not be 15 To be offered a gift of one penny is like being invited to dinner and offered one single pea , and nothing else. Even if it represented a 16 reduction it would be an insult. Still, people say, one has to have washing powder and one might as well buy it a penny cheaper. When I was a boy in Hungary a man was 17 of murdering someone for the sake of one pengo, the equivalent of a shilling, and pleaded 18 The judge shouted 19 : To kill a man for a shilling! What can you say in your 20 ? The murderer replied: A shilling here. . . a shilling there. . . And thats what todays shopper says, too: A penny here... a penny there. . .

  A. missed B. defense C. real D. cost

  E. anxiously F. attraction G. fair H. expense

  I. fall J. angrily K. dismissed L. accused

  M. guilty N. faulty O. security

  II. D 12. F 13. I 14. G 15. A 16. C 17. L 18. M 19. J



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