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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  55. By saying that an American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince , the writer means _________.

  A) different people have different styles of clothes

  B) ready-made clothes may need alterations

  C) statuses come ready made just like clothes

  D) our choice of statuses is limited

  Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage:

  Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we fit in society. As we go about our everyday lives, we mentally attempt to place people in terms of their statuses. For example, we must judge whether the person in the library is a reader or a librarian, whether the telephone caller is a friend or a salesman, whether the unfamiliar person on our property is a thief or a meter reader, and so on.


  2.fit 加了引号,意义有所改变

  3.property 财产,尤指房产

  The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter, and change throughout life. Most of us can, at very high speed, assume the statuses that various situations require. Much of social interaction consists of identifying and selecting among appropriate statuses and allowing other people to assume their statuses in relation to us. This means that we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation. Although some of us find the task more difficult than others, most of us perform it rather effortlessly.

  注:1.I am nobody 我是无名之辈;somebody 大人物;I am small / big potato 我是小/大人物;

  2.this means 解释上一句,所以这句与上一句难句意思应该接近

  3.mental process 思维过程

  4.effortlessly 毫不费力的

  52. According to the writer, people often assume different statuses _________.

  A) in order to identify themselves with others

  B) in order to better identify others

  C) as their mental processes change

  D) as the situation changes

  注:different 对应第第二段中的 various,该题应为第二段第一句改写

  53. The word appraisal most probably means ___________ .

  A) involvement

  B) appreciation

  C) assessment

  D) presentation

  注:词汇题。一种心理活动,A 涉及,B 感激,C 评价,D 成交,故排除非心理活动A项和D项,采用代入法可排除B项

  54. In the last sentence of the second paragraph, the pronoun it refers to _________ .

  A) fitting our actions to those of other people appropriately

  B) identification of other peoples statuses

  C) selecting ones own statuses

  D) constant mental process

  注:指代题。二段末句中的前半句中的 the task,而task又指代的是前边一句中提到的内容。



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