六级阅读难度自然远胜四级阅读,阅读中会出现让人痛不欲生的长难句,让人阅读实力难以提高,就此我总结了考生应该掌握的状语从句连接词,除了该背的考纲要求的词汇外,拼死也要记住下面这些连接词,拿下阅读,玩转六级,同时也为自己日后寻找工作撑门面。:instantly, immediately, directly
3. 固定搭配的连词:no soonerthan, hardlywhen, scarcelywhen
because, as, for, since
seeing that, considering that, now that, given that, in that, inasmuch as, insomuch as,for fear that, in case
so that, in order that, that
, in the hope that, on purpose that, for the purpose that, to the end that
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