24. Islam1
The number of Muslims worldwide is estimated to be in excess of one billion, making Islam the largest faith community after Christianity. Of this number the overwhelming majority would identify themselves as Sunni2 Muslims whilst about 15 per cent follow a variety of Shiah3 Muslim persuasions. The Arabic word islam means the willing recognition of and active submission to the guiding command of the One God, Allah4. Whoever acts in this manner is called a muslim, one who acknowledges and submits to the sole , unique God. The Islamic tradition or din is founded upon the guiding command of Allah as contained in the Koran5 . Muslims hold the Koran to be the word of God delivered to Muhammad6, God s elected messenger. The revelations were received in just over a twenty-year period , first in Mecca7 , the Prophet s birthplace , and later in Medina8 where the first community was established. Both these cities are in present day Saudi Arabia and are regarded by all Muslims as the central holy places of their faith.
A Muslim must make formal prayers each day at five appointed times: at daybreak, at noon, in midafternoon, at sunset and after nightfall. The mosque is the place of public worship in Islam. If a mosque is too far away, a Muslim may pray in his own home or elsewhere on a special prayer rug or mat. He takes formal postures for each statement in the prayer, until he achieves full prostration in the direction of Mecca. Mecca is the holy city and the center of worship for Muslims. It is not only because Mecca is the birthplace of Muhammad, but also because there exist the Kaaba 9 the holiest shrine, and the Black Stone. It is believed that the Kaaba was built by Abraham and the Stone was brought out of Paradise by Adam. Every year numerous pilgrims go to Mecca to pay homage. Thus the word Mecca has come into English language, meaning place one aspires to visit
Ⅰ. Are the sestatements True or False according to the article ?
1. Shiah is the biggest sect of Islam.
2. Muhammad founded the religion of Islam and he was the messenger of Allah.
3. Every Muslim must go to mosque every day to say his prayers. )
Ⅱ. Translate the Chinese into English , using the word or phrase in paren theses :
1. 花钱切勿超过你的收入。 2. 他拒绝服从不公正的决定。 3. 我们对莎士比亚的天才表示敬仰。 , 是基于真主的 统率而建立的, 全部写在《可兰经》里。穆斯林认为《可兰经》是上帝传达给穆罕默德的旨 意, 穆罕默德是上帝的使者。真主将他的旨意传给穆罕默德只用了二十多年的时间, 先是 在麦加, 麦加是这位先知的出生地, 后来又在麦地那, 穆罕默德在那里创立了第一个教派。 现在这两座城市都属于沙特阿拉伯, 它们已成为所有穆斯林心中最神圣的地方。
穆斯林每天要在五个指定的时间做正式祷告: 黎明、中午、下午3 点左右、黄昏和夜里。 清真寺是伊斯兰教徒集体做礼拜的地方。如果清真寺离自己太远, 那么穆斯林可以在家里 或其他地方站在一种专门用来祷告的特制地毯或垫子上进行祷告。穆斯林祷告时每说一 句话都要作出一些正式的姿势, 直到面向麦加完全拜倒在地为止。对穆斯林来说, 麦加是 神圣的城市, 是他们朝拜的中心。这不仅因为麦加是穆罕默德出生的地方, 还因为那里有 最神圣的圣堂 天房和神圣黑石。穆斯林相信天房是由亚伯拉罕建造的, 而神圣黑石则 是由亚当从伊甸园里搬来的。每年都有众多的朝圣者去麦加朝拜。因此, 麦加 这个词 后来就被收入英语, 引申为 人们渴望拜访的地方
在世界三大宗教中, 伊斯兰教最为年轻, 它走向世界的历程也最短。这在一定程度上 依赖于伊斯兰教的教义。伊斯兰教教义简单明了, 重视两世生活, 具有理性主义和平等精 神, 冲破了民族的界限, 把穆斯林所信奉的安拉看作是 全世界的主 。这种关注全人类的 教义使其具备了冲出半岛, 走向世界的活力。伊斯兰教是阿拉伯社会走向文明和进步的重 要手段和方式, 对阿拉伯世界来说, 伊斯兰教与它的缔造者穆罕默德一样, 是伟大、不可磨 灭的。
1. 伊斯兰教。该教诞生于公元7 世纪, 由阿拉伯人穆罕默德所创, 盛行于亚洲西部和非洲 北部。伊斯兰教在中国也称回教或清真教。
2. 逊尼派。伊斯兰教的正统派, 其教徒约占全世界穆斯林的85% 以上, 与什叶派对立。中 国的穆斯林大部分属于此派。
3. 什叶派。伊斯兰教的一派。什叶派只承认穆罕默德的女婿阿里 及其后裔为合法 继任者, 拒绝承认前三代的哈里发 。
4. 安拉, 真主。伊斯兰教所崇奉的唯一的神, 认为他是万物的创造者, 人类命运的主宰者。
5.《古兰经》, 又称《可兰经》。伊斯兰教的经典。 古兰 一词的字面含义是 诵读 , 是真 主用阿拉伯文降示给穆罕默德的一部综合性大法典。它是所有穆斯林的行动指南和道 德规范的准则。
6. 穆罕默德 , 伊斯兰教创立人。穆斯林认为他是先知, 是安拉的使者。
7. 麦加。沙特阿拉伯西部城市, 穆罕默德的诞生地, 伊斯兰教第一圣地。现多引申为 人 们向往的地方 , 如: Italy is a Mecca for art lovers.
8. 麦地那。穆罕默德的陵墓所在地, 伊斯兰教圣地之一。伊斯兰教还有一个圣地是耶路撒 冷 。
9. 天房。麦加大清真寺内的一座方形石殿, 那里供有神圣黑石, 为全世界伊斯兰教徒朝觐 的中心。该殿所在的方位为伊斯兰教徒礼拜的朝向。
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