To fully understand the concept of the Paperless Office ,one must understand what it conceptually was supposed to mean,as well as what it has evolved into as its current form.Early forms of the paperless office would have concentrated around word processing documents and the ability to create,store and manage their existence electronically.However,you were limited in scope as to what you could do to manage these documents.Most of the management revolved around viewing and perhaps sharing it with other users in the organization.There were no automated programs that handled workflow,scanning,tagging and management of these documents effectively.Scanners were too expensive for the average office to acquire based on the return on investment.At the corporate level,there was no direction as to handle workflow and to analyze where paper came from and where it had to go internally and if there was a process in place,the tools were not mature enough or existing to handle it.
In the last few years,technology has finally been catching up to the needs and requirements of the office environment.Scanners that previously cost tens of thousands of dollars now can be acquired for hundreds.Digital copiers/printers now incorporate high speed scanning and OCR capability,even at the lowest levels.The technology initiative has now been transferred to the IT and MIS departments of corporations as well as law firms.Clearly,the tools necessary to transform paper-full to a paperless office are now widely available.What then,is stopping the widespread adoption of the concept of the paperless office?Cultural issues are probably one of the largest obstructions to the implementation of the concept of the paperless office.Plainly,people feel comfortable doing what they know how to do bestand modifying their habits requires a focus that makes them feel that they are,in fact,doing things better and more efficiently.Implementing a paperless office environment that introduces processes that are more difficult and technologically challenging than the previous environment is doomed to fail from the start,Keep all processes simple,introdu ce technology that is easy to learn and use,and document the workflow.
要想全面理解 无纸化办公 的概念,就不仅要理解该概念究竟是如何演变成目前的形式,还必须要理解该概念原本的含义。早期的无纸化办公原本是以文字处理文档为中心,侧重以电子的形式创建、储存和管理这些文档。然而,谈到该如何 管理 这些文档时,你就在范围方面受到限制了。大多数管理层的人员传阅它们,并且也许还和公司里的其他人员共事。但是,并没有什么自动化的应用程序可以有效地处理这些文档的有关流程、扫描、做标记以及管理。按照投入产出比来,对于普通的办公室来说(以合算的价格)购置扫描仪还是太贵了。在公司层面,对于如何处理工作流程,分析公司内部文件从何而来、向何处去,根本就没有相应的规定。就算有相应的程序,相关手段也还不太成熟,或者缺少相应的手段来处理它。
1.What did the early forms of paperless office lack for efficient management?
2.Scanners used not to be considered worthwhile when a company considers its_________________.
3.It is implied that the concept of the paperless office is now adopted on a______________________scale.
4.It is found that most people refuse the concept of the paperless office due to____________________factor.
5.What does the author think about the processes of the paperless office environment in comparison with the paper-full office environment?
根据efficient management查找到首段第5句。
解析:首段主要讲述早期无纸化办公的特点,其中第5句There were no automated programs that handled... management... effectively.表明automated programs对高效管理至关重要,而早前的无纸化办公缺少的恰巧就是这个。因此automated programs为本题答案。
解析:原文该句中的based on...用于表达要从哪个因素出发考虑扫描仪是否值得购买,从该句可知return on investment就是要考虑的因素,为本题答案。
根据the concept of the paperless office和aolopted查找到第2段第6句。
解析:原文该句表明无纸化办公的概念未能被 广泛 采用,换句话说,这个概念只在 小范围 内被采用,即on a small scale,因此small为本题答案。
解析:原文该句表明文化方面的问题是无纸化办公难以实施的最大阻碍,可见本题答案应为 文化 因素,即cultural。
根据processes和paperless office environment查找到第2段倒数第2句。
解析:原文该句比较了paperless office environment和the previous environment,而根据上文可以推断the previous environment指的就是paper-full office environment,因此,原文定语从句中的比较点more difficult and technologically challenging为本题答案。
Limit 和 restrict 的区别
Labour, labourer, workforce, worker 与“工作”相关的四个单词
Emperor/empress 和 king/queen 的区别
Have egg on your face 狼狈不堪
Different types of ‘tissue’ 不同种类的“纸巾”
Spectacle, view, sight, vision, scene, scenery 几个词的区别
Almost, nearly, more or less “差不多”的三个近义词
Passion and enthusiasm 两个词的区别
Greetings after a short break 小别后的问候
Is breast cancer linked to night shifts? 乳腺癌与上夜班有关系吗?
Work your socks off 拼命干活
Teenager, adolescent, kid and child 英语中“孩子”的几种说法
Infer vs conclude 两个易混词
Been to vs gone to 语法辨析
Europa moon 'spewing water jets' 木卫二表面“喷射出水汽”
Practical and pragmatic “实用的”两个词的区别
Pull your socks up 加把劲儿
Retailer, wholesaler, distributor, outlet 几个词的区别和用法
Burn a hole in your pocket 一有钱就想花
Improving your vocabulary 增加词汇量
Football and soccer 两个词的区别
Revise and review 的区别
Parcel, sack, box 包裹类词语
Talk nineteen to the dozen 说话很快,喋喋不休
Have your feet on the ground 脚踏实地
Butterfly numbers drop a mystery, say experts 英国蝴蝶数量下降现象令专家费解
Ditch 和 abandon 之间的区别
Clash 和 crash 之间的区别
Under someone's thumb 受人控制
Different types of hats 各种帽子的英文说法