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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. What does the author imply by saying If you ve ever been burned by a scam or network marketing hype... ?

  You could have worked at home jobs or MLM companies.

  You could have been cheated by the network marketing.

  You could have been cracked up to be what you are all.

  You could have made a lot of money from the network marketing.

  2. If you expect to make money in the network marketing, the most significant ability you must have is ___________

  knowing well the great lies of network marketing

  realizing thatthe.business is about sale

  having to be an excellent salesperson

  knowing your product and target market exactly

  3. One great advantage you can enjoy to make money in the network marketing is that __________

  you can earn as much money as you can

  you will have basic income and bonuses

  you will have the chance for promotion

  you aren t limited to selling anything

  4. The potentially increased income in the network market depends on __________

  the quality of the product and the service you provide

  the skills in marketing of the workers you employ

  the share of a portion or percentage of your income

  your hardworking and your increased skills in sale

  5. From the last paragraph we can learn that __________

  you are certain to earn much money in the network marketing

  success in the network marketing is upto you and your progress

  making money in the network marketing is an easy job

  you don t be so fool to work with a network marketing company



  1.B推断题。根据题干信息定位到原文首段。原句中的.scam和hype分别是 诡计 和 骗术 的意思,原句意为:如果你曾被网络市场上的诡计灼伤过,你很可能就会想你是否真的可以从网络市场或相关行业赚钱,言外之意就是说我们可能都曾被网络市场上的骗术欺骗过,故选B。


  3.A细节题。根据题干信息词one great advantage定位到文章第四段。该段提到,在网络上赚钱的最大好处是你能够赚到的钱是无限制的,题干与原文属同义转述,故本题选A。


  5.B细节题。末段首句为该段的主旨,其中 you wilt earn based directly off of how much and how well you work为该句的核心,即:成功取决于你和你的进步,故选B。



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