31. Some have breathed sighs of relief, others, including churches, right-to-life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitterly attacked the bill and the haste of its passage. But the tide is unlikely to turn back.
一些机构终于松了一口气,但是其他一些机构,包括教堂,倡导生命权的团体和澳大利亚医学协会,尖锐地抨击这个法案,指责法案的通过 过于匆忙。但是大势已定,不可逆转。
32. In Australia- where an aging population, life-extending technology and changing community attitudes have all played their part-other states are going to consider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia.
在澳大利亚--人口老龄化,延长寿命的技术和变化看的社会态度,这些因素都在发挥作用一一其他的州也会考虑制定相似的关于安乐死的 法律。
33. There are, of course, exceptions. Small--minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.
当然,例外是存在的。在美国,心胸狭窄的官员,粗鲁的传者,和没有礼貌的出租车司机也并不少见。然而人们常常得出这样的观察意见,这 使得它值得被讨论一下。
34. We live in a society in which the medicinal and social use of substances is pervasive: an aspirin to quiet a headache, some wine to be sociable, coffee to get going in the morning, a cigarette for the nerves.
35. Dependence is marked first by an increased tolerance, with more and more of the substance required to produce the desired effect, and then by the appearance of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the substance is discontinued.
36. Is this what you intended to accomplish with your careers? Senator Robert Dole asked Time Warner 执行utives last week.You have sold your souls, but must you corrupt our nation and threaten our children as well?
37. The test of any democratic society, he wrote in a Wall Street Journal column, lies not in how well it can control expression but in whether it gives freedom of thought and expression the widest possible latitude, however disputable or irritating the results may sometimes be...
对任何一个民主社会的考验,他在《华尔街杂志》的一个专栏文章中写到,不在于它能够多有效地控制各种意见的表达,而在于这个社会是 否能给予思考和表达的尽可能广泛的自由,不管有时候这种结果是多么的富有争议或令人不快
38. During the discussion of rock singing verses at last months stockholders meeting, Levin asserted that music is not the cause of societys ills and even cited his son, a teacher in the Bronx, New York, who uses rap to communicate with students.
在上个月的股东大会上关于摇滚歌词的讨论中,莱文宣称说:音乐不是社会问题的原因,他甚至还以他的儿子为例。他的儿子是纽约州布朗克 斯的一个教师,并用说唱音乐与学生们进行沟通。
39. Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as steering the economy to a soft landing of a touch on the brakes , makes it sound like a precise science. Nothing could be further from the truth.
有很多用于描述货币政策的词汇,例如轻踩刹车以操纵经济软着陆,使货币政策听起来像是一门精确的科学。没有什么比这更远离实际 情况的了。
40. Economists have been particularly surprised by favorable inflation figures in Britain and the United States, since, conventional measures suggest that both economies, and especially Americas, have little productive slack.
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2016年中考英语词组辨析:from now on/ from then on
2016年中考英语词组辨析:error/ mistake/ fault
2016年中考英语词组辨析:city/ town
2016年中考英语词组辨析:fairly /quite / rather
2016年中考英语词组辨析:dear/ expensive/ high/;cheap/low
2016年中考英语词组辨析:excuse …for/ excuse … from
2016年中考英语词组辨析:else/ other
2016年中考英语词组辨析:famous as / famous for
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2016年中考英语词组辨析:during/ in/ for
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2016年中考英语词组辨析:feed/ keep
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