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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  IT WAS always meant to have been one of Barack Obamas big priorities. But along with saving the planet from global warming and closing down the prison camp at Guantnamo Bay, immigration reform has slithered down the White Houses to-do list as health care turned from triumph to liability. With the House of Representatives due to pass into Republican control at the beginning of next year and the Democrats majority in the Senate due to be slashed at the same time, Mr Obama looks set to end his second year in office without having brought forward a plan for immigration reform, let alone getting one enacted. Even climate-change legislation has fared better than that.


  This is disappointing. America has at least four separate immigration problems to contend with, and on only one of them is there any progress. The four are the securing of the southern border to cut the number of illegals who cross, often risking their lives in the harsh desert; expanding the number of high-skilled foreigners that America lets in and keeps; finding a way to ensure an adequate supply of unskilled workers, perhaps through a guest-worker programme; and, trickiest of all, figuring out what to do about the 11m or so mostly Hispanic people living without authorisation inside America, many of whom have been there for decades doing jobs that Americans wont do while living in the constant fear of deportation.


  Ideally, all four problems would be settled at once, via a comprehensive reform containing something for everyone. Business types would get their hands on more software geniuses and hod-carriers. Law-and-order Republicans would get a tighter border. Democrats and Hispanic groups would be able to do the right thing by the 11m . In practice, though, perhaps all that can be done is to tackle the problems piecemeal.


  On the border issue, there has been some success: more border guards, smarter technology, tougher requirements on employers to verify the legality of their workforce plus the recession have halved the numbers caught crossing over the past five years. An increase in the number of visas available for the well-qualified could sail through the more-Republican Congress if submitted next year. A guest-worker programme is harder, but also less urgent in straitened times. Yet on the plight of the 11m, there has been no progress whatsoever. Republicans have in the past branded any attempt to regularise their position as amnesty, an ugly word that killed the last attempt at reform in 2007.


  Man up


  Even a little bravery on this subject would be welcome. And a suitable, if small, proposal does exist, in the shape of the DREAM Act, which a bipartisan group of humane and sensible senators have been trying to get passed for a decade. It provides for young illegals to earn their citizenship by either service in the armed forces , or by spending at least two years in higher education, both coupled with an extended period of blameless law-abiding. It is a testament to just how nasty the immigration debate has become that a measure that would bring the fearful out of the shadows, encourage tertiary education in a section of the workforce that needs more of it and supply the undermanned army with recruits has gone nowhere. House Democrats still have the votes to push the bill through their chamber before the outgoing Congress retires at the end of the year, and then dare the Republicans to block it in the Senate. If only they have the courage to say gracias.


  注释:1. Guantnamo Bay :关塔那摩监狱

  2. verify:vt. 核实;查证


  examine and verify 审核;审计


  . He tried in every way to verify this theory.


  . Please verify each item you have pricked down.


  3. law-abiding adj. 守法的

  .The rule of law has kept our society open, fair and law abiding.


  . At the same time, working gives them a sense of social responsibility and law abiding spirit in addition to improving self-discipline.




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